mbar是什么意思 mbar的中文翻译、读音、例句

mbar是什么意思 mbar的中文翻译、读音、例句

'mbar' 不是一个独立单词,它可能是某个词的一部分或缩写形式,因此无法准确给出词义和词性。以下是一些常见的使用 'mbar' 的词组和短语:

1. mbar kata(馬爾卡塔):译为“猎豹印象”,是一种源于东南亚的武术。

2. imbarco(意大利语):译为“搭乘”,常用于指乘坐飞机或轮船等交通工具。

3. embaraçar(葡萄牙语):译为“使困惑”,常用于指难以理解或解决的情况。

4. amber(英语):译为“琥珀”,一种由树脂化石化而成的宝石。

5. mbarara(斯瓦希里语):译为“狂欢节”,是一种传统的非洲文化活动。

6. ambar(西班牙语):译为“琥珀”,与英语中的 'amber' 相同。

7. Mbare(英语):译为“姆巴雷”,是津巴布韦首都哈拉雷的一个地区。


1. The mbar kata was originally developed by Southeast Asian tribes for hunting and self-defense.(猎豹印象最初是东南亚部落为狩猎和自卫而发展的。)

2. Tutti i passeggeri iniziano ad imbarcarsi sul volo per Parigi.(所有乘客开始登上飞往巴黎的航班。)

3. Esta questão pode embaraçar até mesmo os profissionais mais experientes.(这个问题甚至可以困扰最有经验的专业人员。)

4. The museum has a large collection of amber jewelry.(这个博物馆收藏了大量的琥珀珠宝。)

5. People gather in the streets to dance and sing during the mbarara festival.(人们在街上聚集在一起,参加狂欢节,跳舞唱歌。)

6. The ambar pendant glowed warmly in the sunlight.(琥珀吊坠在阳光下发出温暖的光芒。)

7. Mbare is a bustling neighborhood in the heart of Harare.(姆巴雷是哈拉雷市中心热闹的街区。)




1. Saya akan pergi ke mbar untuk minum bir. (我要去酒吧喝啤酒。)

I am going to the bar to have a beer.

2. Kamu bisa menemukan banyak teman di mbar malam ini. (你今晚可以在酒吧里找到很多朋友。)

You can find many friends at the bar tonight.

3. Di mbar ini, mereka menyajikan cocktail yang sangat enak. (在这个酒吧里,他们提供非常棒的鸡尾酒。)

In this bar, they serve really delicious cocktails.

4. Saya suka pergi ke mbar untuk menonton pertandingan sepak bola. (我喜欢去酒吧看足球比赛。)

I like to go to the bar to watch football matches.

5. Jangan terlalu banyak minum di mbar nanti kamu mabuk. (不要在酒吧里喝太多不然会醉。)

Don't drink too much at the bar, or you will get drunk.

6. Mereka biasanya membuka mbar pada malam hari. (他们通常在晚上开酒吧。)

They usually open the bar at night.

7. Di mbar ini, mereka memiliki live music setiap Sabtu malam. (这个酒吧每周六晚都有现场音乐。)

In this bar, they have live music every Saturday night.

8. Saya suka makanan yang disajikan di mbar ini. (我喜欢这个酒吧的食物。)

I like the food served at this bar.

9. Ada banyak pilihan minuman di mbar ini. (这个酒吧有很多饮料选择。)

There are many drink options available at this bar.



1. 我们可以去附近的mbar喝一杯。

We can go to the nearby mbar for a drink.

2. 这家mbar的招牌鸡尾酒很受欢迎。

The signature cocktails at this mbar are very popular.




例句:Conclusion in treatment group to improve the symptoms and signs, such as the ability to day-to-day life is better than the control group, embedding acupoint therapy for lu MBAr disc is very effective. (治疗组改善症状体征、日常工作生活能力等优于对照组。结论穴位埋线疗法是治疗腰椎间盘突出很有效的治疗方法。)


例句:Rubber seals - Static seals in domestic appliances for combustible gas up to 200 mbar - Specification for material (压力为200毫巴及其以下的家用可燃气体静态密封用橡胶密封件的材料规范)


例句:Specification for gas appliance governors of DN greater than 50 and for inlet pressures up to 200 mbar (进气口压力最大为200巴和DN大于50的燃气用调节器规范)


例句:When measuring the fill level of water, 10 mbar of pressure corresponds to 10 cm water height. (翻译:当测量水的液位,压力毫巴10对应于10厘米的水的高度。)


1. Specification for gas appliance governors of DN greater than 50 and for inlet pressures up to 200 mbar (翻译:进气口压力最大为200巴和DN大于50的燃气用调节器规范)

2. When measuring the fill level of water, 10 mbar of pressure corresponds to 10 cm water height. (翻译:当测量水的液位,压力毫巴10对应于10厘米的水的高度。)

3. At these pressures the reaction occurs in the solid whereas at 100 mbar a melt was obtained. (翻译:在这两个压力的反应发生在固体物质中,然而在100毫巴压力下得到的是一种熔化物。)

4. At 5 mbar four steps can be distinguished whereas at 100 mbar a continuous curve is observed. (翻译:五点可以分为四个步骤标称则连续曲线在100标称。)

5. Specification for rubber materials for diaphragms in domestic appliances using combustible gases up to 200 mbar (翻译:采用压力达200毫巴可燃气体的家用器具膜片用橡胶材料规范)

6. Measurement instruments with a 1000 mbar measurement range have proven to be very useful for these types of applications. (翻译:与1000毫巴测量仪器的测量范围已被证明是非常这些类型的应用程序有用。)

7. It works at values between 30 and 80 mbar and has no valves. Standard dosing furnaces can be used. (翻译:该系统可以在30至80兆帕工作,而且没有真空管,还可安装标准的配料炉。)

8. For cylinders equipped with residual (positive) pressure valves, one evacuation under vacuum at 150 millibar is sufficient if the pressure is positive. (翻译:对于装有剩余压力阀门的气瓶,如果瓶内剩余压力是正压,把它抽真空到150 mbar以下就可以了; )

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