mottis是什么意思 mottis的中文翻译、读音、例句

mottis是什么意思 mottis的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:I served Master Mott at King's Landing and he sold me to the Watch. (在君临城我为莫特师傅效力 他把我卖给了守夜人)


1. Acupuncturists today are as likely to be found on Park Avenue as on Mott Street. (翻译:如今,在公园大道和莫特街都可能找到针灸师的身影。)

2. Because she told me that we were wrong on Mott Haven. (翻译:因为她告诉我Mott Haven的事是错误的)

3. Here this subject is comprehensively reviewed for the first time since Sir Nevill Mott's monograph of 1990. (翻译:这里这个主题从内维尔·莫特先生的1990的专题著作起第一次被综合评论。)

4. Mott said, walking to the side, Diaz said, walking to the other side, they quarrel red in the face. (翻译:莫特说往这边走,亚丝说往那边走,他们吵得面红耳赤。)

5. For example, an API call might request a customer record with a last name equaling Mott. (翻译:例如,一个API调用可能使用一个姓氏Mott来请求一个客户记录。)

6. Nine-year-old Cameron Mott had half her brain taken out during major surgery, but it has not stopped the youngster pursuing her dreams. (翻译:xx岁的卡梅伦·莫特在大手术中,被摘除了半边大脑,但这样的磨难却挡不住这个孩子追逐自己的梦想。)

7. In 1850 Lucretia Mott published her discourse on women, arguing in a treatise for women to have equal political and legal rights and for changes in the married women's property laws. (翻译:xx年,Lucretia Mott 发表了她关于妇女的论述,在一篇专著中她主张妇女拥有平等的政治和法律权利,并要求修改已婚妇女的财产法。)

8. Sheryl Marie Mott, ex-biker groupie from Shreveport. (翻译:雪儿•玛丽•莫特 什里夫波特前飞车党的成员)

9. In fact Mr Mott, a self-confessed contrarian with a doctorate in quantum physics, is an exception in more ways than one. (翻译:实际上,自认为是一位反向投资者的莫特,在很多方面都是个“异类”。他拥有量子物理学博士学位。)

10. Mott: Normally you don’t see that on the shelf. (翻译:莫特:通常你不会在货架上看到有裂纹的轮胎。一个崭新的轮胎会让你身心愉悦,你会这么想。)

11. Lucretia Coffin Mott worked for the causes she believed in all her life. (翻译:露克瑞蒂雅.柯芬.莫特为了她一生的信念而工作着。)

12. That is not gonna happen. This isn't Mott Haven. I won't stand up for that. (翻译:我们不能这么干 这又不是Mott Haven 我不会袖手旁观的)

13. You know, it's not Mott Haven. This is not about the department. (翻译:知道吗 这不是Mott Haven 这不关局里的事)

14. As postcards grew in popularity, Oakland grew astride, led by two ambitious mayors, Frank K. Mott and John L. Davie. (翻译:作为明信片大受欢迎,奥克兰增长骑着,由两个雄心勃勃的市长领导下,弗兰克光莫特和约翰L戴维。)

15. Come and visit some day. We live on Mott Street, number 27. (翻译:也许你可以来看我们 我们住在莫特街27号)

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