mounted moldboard plow是什么意思 mounted moldboard plow的中文翻译、读音、例句

mounted moldboard plow是什么意思 mounted moldboard plow的中文翻译、读音、例句

mounted moldboard plow的意思是"悬挂式铧式犁",还经常被翻译为悬挂式铧式犁,在线读音是[mountedmoldboardplow],mounted moldboard plow在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到63个与mounted moldboard plow相关的句子。

Mounted moldboard plow的释义


例句:Her medical bills mounted up. (她的医疗账单越来越多。)


mounted moldboard plow一般作为名词使用,如在moldboard plow(铧式犁)、mounted plow(悬挂犁)、moldboard plow bottom(铧式犁体)等常见短语中出现较多。

moldboard plow铧式犁
mounted plow悬挂犁
moldboard plow bottom铧式犁体
single moldboard plowun. 单臂犁
slatted moldboard plow板条犁
trailed moldboard plow牵引铧式犁
mounted alternate plow悬挂式双向犁
mounted disk plow悬挂式圆盘犁
mounted plow wheelsun. 悬挂犁犁轮


1. She slowly mounted the steps. (翻译:她慢慢地爬上台阶。)

2. there ain't much glory in tromping behind a plow. (翻译:罗林太太,成天在锄犁后面踩踏 根本没啥光荣可言)

3. The diamond is mounted in gold. (翻译:这颗钻石镶在金饰物上。)

4. And now he wants to plow even more money back into it. (翻译:现在他还想往里面投入更多的钱。. 但是...)

5. Flowmeters, controls, and nebulizer are mounted on a recessed panel. (翻译:流量计、控制器和雾化器都固定在箱内的面板上。)

6. On the tire with an inner tube, the valve is mounted on the tube. On the tubeless tire, the valve is mounted on the wheel rim. (翻译:有内胎式轮胎气门是直接做在内胎上的,无内胎式轮胎的气门安装在轮毂上。)

7. The tortured souls cried out in agony as the flames mounted higher and higher! (翻译:受尽折磨的灵魂发出痛苦的哭喊 The tortured souls cried out in agony 火焰越蹿越高! as the flames mounted higher and higher!)

8. It is durable with a heavily armoured prow, and well-armed with a turret-mounted multi-laser and a hull mounted heavy bolter as standard. (翻译:它拥有厚重而坚固的装甲,一个装备精良的集束激光器炮塔,车身上装有一门标准重型爆矢枪。)

9. Research on Allocation Mode of Plow Landsite and Influence to the Working Performance on Plow (翻译:犁侧板的配置方式及其对犁工作性能影响的研究)

10. People are sleeping in huts, with nothing to eat, nothing with which to plow the ground. (翻译:人们现在没得住,没有吃的 没有工具耕地!)

11. Various variants of Panthers were converted and mounted with "Biwa". (翻译:各种变异的黑豹已改信,骑上以“Biwa”。)

12. Turbochargers can be mounted to its own exhaust manifold but on inline engines, both turbos can be mounted on the same manifold. (翻译:涡轮增压器可以安装到自己的排气歧管但直列发动机上,都可以安装增压器在同一在静听着的松林之间。)

13. Thebalance equation of power driven disc plow is built. (翻译:建立了旱田驱动圆盘犁机组的平衡方程序。)

14. We need to outrun that tank, or it's gonna plow right over us! (翻译:我们需要逃脱 该坦克, 或者它会犁 右过我们!)

15. It was just, plow! And, suddenly, he would want to find a way to just spring it on you. (翻译:就像是 一切都很平常 然后 突然间 他总能让你吓一跳)

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