moving wing aircraft是什么意思 moving wing aircraft的中文翻译、读音、例句

moving wing aircraft是什么意思 moving wing aircraft的中文翻译、读音、例句

moving wing aircraft在中文中有"机"的意思,在日常中也代表"摇翼飞机"的意思,在线读音是[movingwingaircraft],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到16个与moving wing aircraft相关的例句。

Moving wing aircraft的释义


例句:There are several emergency exits on the aircraft, located in the forward section, aft section and over each wing. (机上有几个紧急逃生门 分别位于前舱 后舱 以及两侧机翼)


例句:The air inlets comprises many moving parts, which increases the aircraft’s weight and radar reflections. (这种进气道由很多调节作动部件组成,从而增加了飞机的重量以及雷达反射面积。)


moving wing aircraft一般作为名词使用,如在wing aircraft(僚机)、fixed wing aircraft(固定翼飞机)、flying wing aircraft([航] 飞翼飞机)等常见短语中出现较多。

wing aircraft僚机
fixed wing aircraft固定翼飞机
flying wing aircraft[航] 飞翼飞机
oblique wing aircraftun. 斜置翼飞机
rotary wing aircraft旋翼式飞机
rotor wing aircraft旋转机翼飞机
slender wing aircraft[航] 狭长翼飞机
straight wing aircraft[航] 平直翼飞机
sweep wing aircraft后掠翼飞行器


1. - Welcome to the West Wing. (翻译:Welcome to the West Wing.)

2. Like other fixed-wing aircraft, it is efficient in forward flight, much more so than helicopters and variations thereof. (翻译:和其他固定机翼的飞行器一样, 它向前飞行的效率更高, 要比直升飞机和其变种强得多, )

3. Theundercarriage, left wing and left engine of the aircraft were severely damaged, as if it had skidded across the ground. (翻译:飞机的起落架,左翼和左引擎严重损坏,似乎飞机在地面上发生了侧滑。)

4. Sometimes we just have to wing it! (翻译:有的时候只能看运气了! Sometimes we just have to wing it!)

5. RLS will cut off hydraulics on that wing, so that the aircraft can continue flying for a while. (翻译:RLS会切断那个机翼的液压系统 这样飞机可以持续飞行一段时间)

6. And there was a monsoon coming in. We had a large NVA force reported by aircraft moving towards our position and they said, (翻译:要躲起来很容易 要穿越而过也很容易 狙击手作战的最好的区域)

7. A flaperon is a part of the wing used to manage the lift and control the roll of an aircraft. (翻译:襟副翼是机翼的一部分,用来操控飞机上升和滚转。)

8. What with Havana gone, the Mafia is moving in. (翻译:the Mafia is moving in.)

9. Early autogyros resembled the fixed-wing aircraft of the day, with wings and a front-mounted engine and propeller in a tractor configuration to pull the aircraft through the air. (翻译:早期自转旋翼机有着与固定翼航空器类似的机翼和前置的动力装置,拖动自身向前飞行。)

10. They're beak to beak, wing to wing... and it's Nod by a tail feather! (翻译:Wing to Wing by a tail -feather!)

11. Some measures improving the longitudinal and lateral stabilities of combat aircraft with strake wing configuration are discussed. (翻译:对边条机翼布局战斗机的纵、横向稳定性改进措施进行了研究。)

12. The westland wyvern was the last fixed - wing aircraft design from the westland aircraft co . and was one of the last prop - driven fighters. (翻译:“飞”攻击机是威斯特兰公司设计的最后一种固定翼飞机,是一种末代的螺旋桨战斗机。)

13. The trouble is with G-Wing 206 from Sydney to Haneda. (翻译:出事的是悉尼往羽田的G -Wing2O6)

14. - Me, too. - You moving in? (翻译:你要搬进来吗 You moving in?)

15. adventure,aircraft,engineering,green,technology (翻译:adventure,aircraft,engineering,green,technology)

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