msdc是什么意思 msdc的中文翻译、读音、例句

msdc是什么意思 msdc的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:msdc通常指的是Mass Storage Device Class,即大容量存储设备类,是一种USB设备类型。它可以将Flash驱动器、硬盘、MP3或MP4播放器等存储设备连接到电脑并传输数据。

2. 功能:msdc可以让用户方便地将数据从存储设备传输到电脑,也可以将数据从电脑传输到存储设备,支持高速传输。此外,msdc还支持多种文件系统格式,如FAT16、FAT32和NTFS。

3. 应用:msdc广泛应用于各种存储设备,便携式硬盘、U盘、SD卡、MP3/4等数码产品,也被用于各种计算机设备和嵌入式系统。

4. 优点:msdc具有便携性,可插即可用,极大地方便了数据传输,且易于使用。


1. I inserted the msdc into my computer and copied the files I needed.


2. The msdc driver can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website.


3. My camera uses an msdc card to store pictures.


4. The msdc function enables the user to easily transfer data between devices.


5. Some msdc devices have encryption features to protect sensitive data.




1. MSDC是"mass storage class device"的缩写,表示大容量存储设备。如,闪存卡、U盘等。

2. MSDC是一个组织或公司的缩写。





例句:Results Bortezomib can be a time and dose dependent manner inhibited the growth of DC. (结果:硼替佐米能够以时间、剂量依赖方式抑制DC的生长。)


例句:System control processor and FBM component provide dual DC supply. (系统控制处理机和FBM组件提供双路的DC供电。)


msdc一般作为名词使用,如在MSDC([=Mass Spectrometry Data Centre]质谱分析数据中心,质谱测定资料中心)等常见短语中出现较多。

MSDC[=Mass Spectrometry Data Centre]质谱分析数据中心,质谱测定资料中心


1. It has been forwarded to every hack in DC. (翻译:传遍了首都三流记者圈 It has been forwarded to every hack in DC.)

2. The DC-3 has 21 daytime seats and 14 overnight berths. (翻译:DC -3型客机,有21个座位 14个软卧)

3. DI Hastings, DC Jane Pearson with John Joseph O'Shea. (翻译:DI黑斯廷斯,DC简・皮尔森与约翰・约瑟夫奥谢。)

4. A new high frequency DCDC full-bridge power converter is presented, that the soft-switching, phase-shifted PWM and bi-directional DCDC converter hang together. (翻译:研究一种把软开关技术和移相pwm控制技术以及双向DC DC变换器技术有机结合在一起的新型高频DC DC开关功率全桥变换器。)

5. - This is my cousin, Ms. Polly Williams. (翻译:- This is my cousin, Ms. Polly Williams.)

6. Results The T-DC exhibited more typical dendric process es than DCs did. (翻译:结果T-DC与DC相比,具有更多、更典型的树突状突起。)

7. The DC Mini was, in a way, complete. (翻译:从某种意义上来说 DCmini已经完成了)

8. Hey, man, you're always in Washington DC, but you ain't doing nothing in Washington DC! (翻译:嘿,伙计,你总说在华盛顿 但你在华盛顿什么都没做!)

9. The circuits of dc-side ripple reduction are based on direct reinjection of the ripple in series with the dc line. (翻译:直流侧纹波消除电路是基于直流线路中纹波的直接再注入原理而设计。)

10. A luminary now in the exile community outside Washington, DC, Ms Nafisi appears to have made peace with her family and her heritage. (翻译:在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区外的侨民社区里,纳斐熙女士现在已是名人,她似乎已经与其家族和传统言归于好。)

11. Hey, I just realized D.C. and Damian aren't talking about Breaking Bad for once. (翻译:我刚发现DC和达米安 终于没聊绝命毒师了)

12. Well, can your DC friends help? (翻译:哎,你特区里的朋友能帮忙吗? Well, can your DC friends help?)

13. Subtitles extracted by muy_tAte from Dragonfly.DVDRip.DivX-ViTE subpack (翻译:email: skw15@ms45. net)

14. He's not a hero from marvel, dc, Image or wildstorm. (翻译:他不是 marvel, dc, Image 或者wildstorm. 这几个公司的超能英雄)

15. Here's my favorite bands: ACIDC, Van Halen, not Van Hagar... (翻译:我最爱的乐团有AC/DC 范海伦,不是凡海格)

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