mcbridge是什么意思 mcbridge的中文翻译、读音、例句

mcbridge是什么意思 mcbridge的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:The Mayor of Casterbridge, George, which, obviously, you didn't read. (the Mayer of Caster bridge ,很显然你没读)


例句:Paksey bridge is the second largest bridge project next to Jamuna bridge in Bangladesh. (帕克西桥是孟加拉国继贾木纳桥后的第二大桥梁工程。)


例句:Oh, do you see the Golden Great Bridge right over there? (do you see the Golden Great Bridge - 就在那边 - 嗯哼)


1. Oh, do you see the Golden Great Bridge right over there? (翻译:do you see the Golden Great Bridge - 就在那边 - 嗯哼)

2. How do you fall off a bridge like that? (翻译:How do you fall off a bridge like that?)

3. And at the Verrazano Bridge-- only Commissioner Kelly of New York City, you know? (翻译:和在韦拉札诺Bridge -- 只有局长凯利 纽约市,你知道)

4. The loan mode of agriculture insurance and loan ; ASRF mode ; MC simulation (翻译:农业保险+信贷贷款模式;渐进单因子模型;蒙特卡罗模拟;)

5. -Well, it's not just--video production, and-- but basically we do get paid to play Minecraft. (翻译:and -- 实际上我们得到了玩MC的报酬.)

6. There will be no exchange on Glienicke bridge, (翻译:格林尼克桥上不会有什么交换 There will be no exchange on Glienicke Bridge.)

7. This is a quantum entanglement bridge. (翻译:这是量子纠缠桥 This is a quantum entanglement bridge.)

8. Just stare at the bridge of his nose. (翻译:盯着他鼻梁看就好 我就是这样 Just stare at the bridge of his nose.)

9. Conclusion This study indicates that can BSM inhibited MC proliferation and intervene secretion of inflammatory medium of activated MC. (翻译:结论保肾冲剂血清能抑制MC 增殖并能干预活化MC分泌细胞因子。)

10. During the process of Bayesian networks modeling, K2 and MCMC algorithms are utilized together. (翻译:在贝叶斯网络构造过程中,结合采用K2和MC - MC算法构建网络。)

11. After all, he got a DSO and an MC in France. (翻译:毕竟他因在法国的战功荣获过DSO勋章与MC勋章)

12. It's half angry manifesto, half mc love letter. (翻译:日记里一半是愤怒的宣言 另一半就是对摩托帮会爱的表达)

13. The other side of the bridge. (翻译:到桥的另一边去 The other side of the bridge.)

14. - You going up over the bridge? - Mm-hmm. (翻译:过桥吗 You going up over the bridge?)

15. I need both of you on the bridge. (翻译:你俩赶快到舰桥来吧 I need both of you on the bridge.)

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