multi spindle是什么意思 multi spindle的中文翻译、读音、例句

multi spindle是什么意思 multi spindle的中文翻译、读音、例句

multi spindle通常被翻译为"多轴"的意思,作为名词时有"多轴"的意思,发音音标为[multispindle],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到16个与multi spindle相关的例句。

Multi spindle的释义


例句:In fact, all of us are multi -- multi-local, multi-layered. (事实上,我们每一个人 都是多地方的,多层次的人。)


multi spindle一般作为名词使用,如在multi spindle head(多轴头)、multi([计] 多)、spindle(纺锤 )等常见短语中出现较多。

multi spindle head多轴头
multi[计] 多
DVD Multi[网络] 多规格支援;多规格支持;光碟机
multi accessn. 多路存取;多处访问
multi alkalin. 多碱
multi amplifiern. 多级放大器
multi angular多角的
multi apertureadj. 多孔的


1. There is an inclinable increase for spindle-shaped cells during cell culture. (翻译:形态学观察,细胞在培养过程中呈梭形细胞增多的趋势。)

2. Aside: When Sissi was 20 years old, her fingers was punctured by a spindle. (翻译:旁白:茜茜公主xx岁时,她被纺锤刺破了手指。)

3. Objective To observe the effect of inosine on afferent discharge of muscle spindle. (翻译:目的探讨肌苷对肌梭传入放电的影响。)

4. Oh, no, you've done quite enough already, Mr. Spindle. (翻译:哦,没有,你已经做得够多的了,Spindle先生)

5. Results: The configurations of meiotic spindle chromosome can be observed clearly by LSCM. (翻译:结果应用LSCM清晰地观察到了卵母细胞纺缍体和染色体的形态。)

6. However, I do not think that Mr. Spindle's offer is reflective of market conditions. (翻译:然而,我认为Spindle先生的报价 没有反应市场的状况)

7. Sarcomas have very pleomorphic cells, often with a spindle shape. (翻译:肉瘤细胞有明显的多形性,常呈梭形。)

8. Objective To study the effect of maternal age on meiotic spindle and chromosome configuration of oocytes. (翻译:目的探讨女性年龄对卵母细胞纺锤体和染色体构型的影响。)

9. In her works, the spiraling spindle represented the beginning of chaos. (翻译:在她的作品中,螺旋形的纺锤代表了混乱的开始。)

10. What happened to your multi-billion dollar DEA budget? (翻译:格雷西︰对你的发生什么 multi -1000000000美元迪娅预算吗?)

11. Variable Frequency Adjusting Speed Circuit Design for Spindle Motor of EDG Nonconducting Superabrasives (翻译:非导电超硬材料电火花磨削主轴电机变频调速电路的设计)

12. New building: Multi Thrower ! (翻译:新建筑:多机! )

13. Hydrostatic guide spindle is a kind of cylindrical hydrostatic guideway. (翻译:静压导轴是一种圆柱形液体静压导轨。)

14. The Thermal Properties of Spindle Assembly and Headstock is one of the main elements that influence machining precision. (翻译:机床主轴部件和主轴箱的热特性是影响机床精度的主要因素之一。)

15. I think that would be a most appropriate sum, Mr. Spindle. (翻译:我认为那是个 非常合适的数目,Spindle先生)

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