multi velocity stage在中文中有"多速级"的意思,在英美地区还有"多速级"的意思,在线发音:[multivelocitystage],multi velocity stage常被用作名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到26个与multi velocity stage相关的例句。
Multi velocity stage的翻译
例句:Stage right, in order, now. (整理好了 准备上台 Stage right, in order, now.)
multi velocity stage一般作为名词使用,如在multi stage(adj. 多级的;多阶段的;多节的\nvt. 使成多级;使分成多阶段)、stage velocity(级速(度))、velocity stage(速度分级)等常见短语中出现较多。
multi stage | adj. 多级的;多阶段的;多节的\nvt. 使成多级;使分成多阶段 |
stage velocity | 级速(度) |
velocity stage | 速度分级 |
multi pressure stage | un. 多压级\n[网络] 复压级 |
multi stage amplification | [网络] 多级放大 |
multi stage compressor | 多级压缩机 |
multi stage programming | [网络] 多阶段编程 |
multi stage pumpturbine | 多级可逆式水轮机 |
multi stage sampling | 多级抽样法 |
1. Omphacitite, a new type of rock found in Myanmar jadeitite area, had experienced multi-stage jadeitizations. (翻译:绿辉石岩是缅甸硬玉岩区一种新的岩石类型,普遍遭受多期次硬玉化。)
2. So now it's stage left. The deep fryer stage right. (翻译:the fryer is stage right.)
3. Dependence of Oil Recovery Factor From Fluids'Movement Velocity in Porous Media of Bashkirian Stage Carbonates (翻译:巴什基里亚碳酸盐岩的石油采收率与孔隙内液流速度的关系)
4. Viterbi decoding techniques that include multi-stage Viterbi decoding of encoded signals. (翻译:包括对编码信号进行多级维特比解码的维特比解码技术。)
5. Subscribe to the final stage now. (翻译:Subscribe to the final stage now.)
6. The crosswise velocity, longitudinal velocity and rotate speed of the stirring screws can be adjusted. (翻译:搅拌螺旋的转速、小车横向移动速度,以及大车前进速度,均可以通过变频器调整。)
7. Multi-spectrum nano-sensor array. (翻译:其实是多光谱纳米感应队列 Multi -spectrum nano -sensor array.)
8. And then I was fortunate enough to actually perform this in California with Velocity Circus. (翻译:非常幸运的是, 我真的就和Velocity马戏团在加利福尼亚表演了这个节目。)
9. Each hall categorizes different expo theme with a multi-faceted program of stage performances and folk art demonstrations. (翻译:每个展厅有独特且多元化的民间艺术以及舞台表演。)
10. Uh, can I have everybody back to stage, please? (翻译:Uh, can I have everybody back to stage, please?)
11. Fortunately, I have a multi-step plan. (翻译:算你走运 我制定了多步计划 Fortunately, I have a multi -step plan.)
12. So just delivered the upper stage at high velocity. (翻译:它在火箭高速飞行的 前期阶段进行推动。)
13. Subscribe to Stage 2, now. (翻译:Subscribe to Stage 2, now.)
14. I mean, do you know what it would take to stage a death? (翻译:do you know what it would take to stage a death?)
15. Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle (翻译:Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle)