multi system在中文中有"多系统"的意思,作为名词时有"多系统"的意思,读音为['mʌltisistəm],multi system是一个英语名词,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到10个与multi system相关的例句。
Multi system的释义
例句:A Multi-ECU Calibration System for Hybrid Vehicle Based on XCP Protocol (基于XCP协议的混合动力车多电控单元标定系统)
multi system一般作为名词使用,如在multi([计] 多)、Draco System(天龙星系)、Eocene System(始新系)等常见短语中出现较多。
multi | [计] 多 |
Draco System | 天龙星系 |
Eocene System | 始新系 |
Eogene System | 古近系 |
Festoon System | [网络] 悬吊配件;电缆滑车;悬吊押扣系统 |
Firefighting System | [网络] 灭火系统;消防系统;消防系统测试记录 |
Fornax System | 天炉星系 |
Galactic System | 银河系 |
Huronian System | 休仑系 |
Jixianian System | 蓟县系 |
1. What happened to your multi-billion dollar DEA budget? (翻译:格雷西︰对你的发生什么 multi -1000000000美元迪娅预算吗?)
2. Enfants'Foodstuff Trade Establishes the Information System of Foodstuff Safety and Credit System (翻译:儿童食品行业建立食品安全信用体系信息系统)
3. They work as enforcers for the multi-corps. (翻译:他们是多元部队政策的强制执行人 They work as enforcers for the multi -corps.)
4. Multi-hiberarchy Fuzzy Comprehensive Judgement Model Based on the Economy Evaluation Index System of Coal bed Methane (翻译:基于煤层气经济评价指标体系的多层次模糊综合评判模型)
5. Until hackers activate it to... (翻译:埋藏在你们系统里的恶意软件... buried deep inside your system...)
6. Comparative Study on the Operational Characteristics of the DVM System and the Frequency Conversion System in Summer (翻译:数码涡旋与变频多联式空调系统夏季运行特性的比较)
7. I'm gonna split you open from groin to gullet. (翻译:我打开要去分裂 从腹股沟到消化系统Digestive System食道。)
8. The GetData delegate takes an object of type System.Array as an in parameter. (翻译:GetData这个委托把System.Array类型的一个对象作为参数。)
9. In fact, all of us are multi -- multi-local, multi-layered. (翻译:事实上,我们每一个人 都是多地方的,多层次的人。)
10. Multi-model MPCA with Applications in the Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Multivariable Control System (翻译:多模型MPCA方法在多变量间歇过程故障监测与诊断中的应用)
11. Main products: Glovebox, Solvent Purification System and Gas Purification System. (翻译:主要产品包括:手套箱,有机溶剂净化系统和气体净化系统。)
12. We have just been overflown by a low-altitude, multi-engined plane. (翻译:We have just been overflown by a multi -engine turboprop.)
13. Production Logistics System; Purchasing Management; Saling Logistics System; System Performance Evaluation; (翻译:生产物流系统;采购物流;销售物流;系统绩效评价;)
14. The reason for this is, of course, our Faction System. (翻译:当然 实现的原因是我们的派别系统 The reason for this is, of course, our Faction System.)
15. In the past, there was no alternate way by which you could trap the System. exit or JVM exit after customization and the bind process. (翻译:过去,没有替代方法可用来捕获定制和绑定过程结束后的System.exit或JVMexit。)