multicellular electrometer的中文解释是"复室静电计",其次还有"多室静电计"的意思,在线发音:[multicellularelectrometer],multicellular electrometer在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到18个与multicellular electrometer相关的例句。
Multicellular electrometer的词典翻译
例句:This can be done by placing the object in a Faraday cup and measuring the charge with an electrometer . (可以把物体放在法拉第杯中,用静电计测量其电荷。)
例句:Anyway, microbes banded together, creating multicellular life. (总而言之,微生物集结在一起, 创造出了多细胞生命。)
multicellular electrometer一般作为名词使用,如在multicellular(多细胞的 )、electrometer(静电计 )、multicellular animals(多细胞动物)等常见短语中出现较多。
multicellular | 多细胞的 |
electrometer | 静电计 |
multicellular animals | 多细胞动物 |
multicellular cathode | 多格阴极 |
multicellular foam | 多孔发泡 |
multicellular formation | 多细胞形成 |
multicellular gland | 多细胞腺 |
multicellular glands | [医] 多细胞腺 |
multicellular glass | 泡沫玻璃 |
1. Objective To explore an optimal model of multicellular aggregates of ovarian cancer cell line A2780 and investigate the possible mechanism of ovary cancer multicellular drug resistance. (翻译:目的建立卵巢癌A2 780细胞形成的多细胞团簇模型,探讨凋亡在卵巢癌细胞群集耐药中的作用。)
2. Use an adapter to connect the BNC connector to the triax input of the electrometer. (翻译:用一个适配器把BNC连接器连到静电计的三同轴输入端。)
3. Of course what that allows bacteria to do is to be multicellular. (翻译:当然,也因为这些语汇 使细菌得以变得像多细胞生物。)
4. Capsule obcordate-ovoid, slightly compressed, hirsute with multicellular hairs. (翻译:蒴果倒心形卵圆形,稍压扁,具粗毛具多细胞毛。)
5. We cannot be certain that Gonium, pandonina, Eudonna, and Pleodorina represent stages in the evolution of multicellular Volvox from unicellular chlamydomonas. (翻译:我们不能肯定盘藻、实球藻、空球藻和杂球藻代表从单细胞衣藻到多细胞因藻的各进化阶段。)
6. stems, petioles, abaxial leaf blade, and peduncle of male cymes densely covered with villous multicellular hairs. (翻译:茎,叶柄,背面的叶片和雄性聚伞花序密被具长柔毛多细胞的毛的花序梗。)
7. The common-ancestral selves were unicellular, whereas the animal lineage has elected to construct multicellular selves. (翻译:祖先本身是单细胞的,然而动物进化成多细胞。)
8. 1.3 billion years ago, Earth had just managed to evolve multicellular life. (翻译:13亿年前, 地球上刚出现了多细胞生物。)
9. Eventually they get so close, they form multicellular organisms, then you get complex multicellular organisms; they form societies. (翻译:最后它们彼此亲近,构成了多细胞组织 然后有了更复杂些的多细胞组织;这可以理解为社群的一种形式。)
10. Interrelationship of quarz-fiber electrometer type exposure meters and companion exposure meter chargers (翻译:石英纤维静电计型曝光计和配套使用的曝光计的相互关系)
11. the multicellular embryo is developed from periclinal division primarily, and accordantly grows regularly; (翻译:多细胞原胚形成的分裂方式以平周分裂为主,并由此表现出有序生长;)
12. The electrometer ohmmeter makes a two-wire resistance measurement at a specific test current, depending on the measurement range. (翻译:静电计欧姆计依据测量的量程,在规定的电流下,进行两线电阻测量。)
13. A picoammeter is an ammeter built along the lines of the ammeter function of an electrometer. (翻译:皮安表是安培表的一个门类,其实质上是静电计中安培表功能的延续。)
14. To measure the offset of a switch card, connect the output of the card to a pico ammeter or electrometer. (翻译:若要测量开关卡的偏移电流,请将卡的输出连接到一台皮安计或静电计。)
15. Of course, what that allows bacteria to do is to be multicellular. (翻译:当然,也因为这些语汇 使细菌得以变得像多细胞生物。)