multiextent是什么意思 multiextent的中文翻译、读音、例句

multiextent是什么意思 multiextent的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Even social progress, to an extent. (某种程度讲,甚至社会地位的进步。Even social progress, to an extent.)


例句:We have just been overflown by a low-altitude, multi-engined plane. (We have just been overflown by a multi -engine turboprop.)


multiextent一般作为名词使用,如在multiextent file([计] 多范围文件)等常见短语中出现较多。

multiextent file[计] 多范围文件


1. The extent of the regions was determined by the descriptor basicity. (翻译:这三个数据区的范围大小是由算符的碱性度决定的。)

2. To some extent this was the truth. (翻译:在某种程度上这是事实。)

3. Because much of this software is large, multi-threaded, and multi-process, porting it to Linux presents challenges. (翻译:由于这种软件大部分是大型的、多线程的而且是多进程的,所以将其移植到Linux面临着挑战。)

4. I hand you the keys to a multi-billion dollar company and you call your mother? (翻译:I hand you the keys to a multi -billion dollar company 我 我把你的钥匙给了几十亿元公司 我 and you call your mother?)

5. The rapidity of the decline is as striking as its extent. (翻译:如此迅速的下滑,其程度令人震惊。)

6. The following is the multi-value DXL. (翻译:下面是多值dxl。)

7. And to a large extent it fixes the brain. (翻译:在很大程度上,可以说该训练是修复大脑的。)

8. "Multi-syllabuses with Multi-coursebooks" model is justified from both theoretical and empirical grounds. (翻译:本文从理论分析和实证研究两方面对“多纲多本”进行了全方位的论证。)

9. Well, you know, in your pamphlets it says that we are a cloud-based multi-platform solution for user-focused compression. (翻译:你们拿到的小册子上写着 Well, you know, in your pamphlets it says that we are 我们是一个基于云端的多平台 a cloud based multi -platform solution)

10. And to a large extent it fixes the brain. (翻译:在很大程度上,可以说该训练是修复大脑的。)

11. Even worse is minority women earning 67 cents on the dollar. Now, Ms. Dunbar can talk about balancing the scales, but she inherited a multi-billion-dollar fortune and never had to earn any cents on the dollar. (翻译:少数裔女性甚至只有67美分 Even worse is minority women earning 67 cents on the dollar. 但她继承了亿万家产 but she inherited a multi)

12. To what extent are these people right? (翻译:但是,这些人的说法在什么范围内是正确的呢 )

13. To what extent do you love Appolo? (翻译:你喜欢“阿波罗”达甚么的程度满? )

14. Charles used to say, "The extent to which you have a design style is the extent to which you have not solved the design problem." (翻译:查尔斯曾经说:“你越有设计风格, 越说明你没有解决设计上的问题。”)

15. Multi-spectrum nano-sensor array. (翻译:其实是多光谱纳米感应队列 Multi -spectrum nano -sensor array.)

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