'multipl' 不是一个单词,可能是句子的一部分或打字错误。以下是可能的建议:
1. 如果 'multipl' 的正确拼写是 'multiple',则它的词义为“多个的、多重的”,是一个形容词。常见的词组搭配有:multiple choice(多选题)、multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化症)、multiple personality disorder(多重人格障碍)等。发音为 /ˈmʌltɪpl/,音标为 [muhl-tuh-puhl]。
- The company has multiple locations around the world.
- The test consists of multiple choice questions.
- She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis last year.
- People with multiple personality disorder have different identities.
2. 如果 'multipl' 的正确拼写是 'multiply',则它的词义为“乘、繁殖、增加”,是一个动词。常见的短语有:multiply by(乘以)、multiply/divide/multiply and divide fractions(分数的乘、除、乘除运算)等。发音为 /ˈmʌltɪplaɪ/,音标为 [muhl-tuh-plahy]。
- To calculate the area of a rectangle, multiply its length by its width.
- Bacteria can multiply rapidly in warm and moist environments.
- If you want to double the recipe, multiply all the ingredients by two.
- We learned how to multiply and divide fractions in math class.
3. 如果 'multipl' 的正确拼写是 'multiplication',则它的词义为“乘法、增殖、繁殖”,是一个名词。常见的词组搭配有:multiplication table(乘法表)、multiplication factor(增殖因子)、cell multiplication(细胞增殖)等。发音为 /ˌmʌltɪplɪˈkeɪʃən/,音标为 [muhl-tuh-pli-key-shuhn]。
- Children learn multiplication tables in elementary school.
- A high multiplication factor can lead to rapid tumor growth.
- The process of cell multiplication is crucial for tissue repair.
- This problem involves multiplication and division of decimals.
4. 如果 'multipl' 的正确拼写是 'multiplier',则它的词义为“倍增器、增殖因子、乘数”,是一个名词。常见的词组搭配有:investment multiplier(投资乘数)、trade multiplier(贸易乘数)、power multiplier(功率倍增器)等。发音为 /ˈmʌltɪplaɪər/,音标为 [muhl-tuh-plahy-er]。
- The government hopes to stimulate the economy with a multiplier effect from increased spending.
- A higher investment multiplier means that a given amount of investment will have a greater impact on the economy.
- A power multiplier can increase the output of a motor or generator.
5. 如果 'multipl' 的正确拼写是 'multiplex',则它的词义为“多路复用的、多重的、多功能的”,是一个形容词。常见的词组搭配有:multiplex cinema(多厅电影院)、multiplex PCR(多重PCR技术)、multiplexing technology(多路复用技术)等。发音为 /ˈmʌltɪplɛks/,音标为 [muhl-tuh-pleks]。
- The multiplex cinema has several screens showing different movies at the same time.
- Multiplex PCR can amplify multiple DNA fragments simultaneously.
- Multiplexing technology allows multiple signals to share the same transmission channel.
6. 如果 'multipl' 的正确拼写是 'multiplicity',则它的词义为“多样性、多重性、多个、多元”,是一个名词。常见的短语有:a multiplicity of (多种、许多)、multiplicity of meanings(多重含义)、cultural multiplicity(文化多元性)等。发音为 /ˌmʌltɪˈplɪsəti/,音标为 [muhl-tuh-plis-i-tee]。
- The city has a multiplicity of restaurants serving cuisines from all over the world.
- The word "love" has a multiplicity of meanings.
- Cultural multiplicity refers to the coexistence of different cultural traditions within a society.
7. 如果 'multipl' 的正确拼写是 'multiparty',则它的词义为“多党制的、多方参与的”,是一个形容词。常见的词组搭配有:multiparty democracy(多党民主)、multiparty negotiations(多方谈判)、multiparty system(多党制)等。发音为 /ˌmʌltiˈpɑrti/,音标为 [muhl-tee-pahr-tee]。
- A multiparty system allows for greater political representation and diversity of opinions.
- Multiparty negotiations can be challenging because there are many different perspectives and interests involved.
- The country transitioned from a one-party system to a multiparty democracy.
1. The company's profits have multiplied in the past year.(这家公司的利润在过去xx年内增加了许多倍。)
2. The teacher gave us a multiplication quiz to test our math skills.(老师给我们做了一份乘法测验,以测试我们的数学技能。)
3. The athlete suffered multiple injuries in the accident.(这位运动员在事故中遭受了多处伤势。)
例句:"Multi-syllabuses with Multi-coursebooks" model is justified from both theoretical and empirical grounds. (本文从理论分析和实证研究两方面对“多纲多本”进行了全方位的论证。)
例句:We have just been overflown by a low-altitude, multi-engined plane. (We have just been overflown by a multi -engine turboprop.)
1. The pl ace has aw arm, clubby atmosphere. (翻译:这地方有一种温暖的俱乐部似的气氛。)
2. Section 2 of the worldCompositeMap. pl program iterates over the data file and annotates the image. (翻译:pl程序的第2部分将迭代数据文件并为图像加注。)
3. Abruzzi. I need you to hire me at Pl. (翻译:阿布鲁奇 我想让你雇我去监狱工厂 {\3cH202020}Abruzzi.)
4. These results provide the scientific basis for the development and application of Flos Pueraria omeiensis and PL decoction. (翻译:为野葛花及其与枸骨叶组成的复方的开发和应用提供了理论依据。)
5. Because much of this software is large, multi-threaded, and multi-process, porting it to Linux presents challenges. (翻译:由于这种软件大部分是大型的、多线程的而且是多进程的,所以将其移植到Linux面临着挑战。)
6. For example, if you do a search on "jaff devaloperWerks," the cmdSearch.pl program output will be Try: jeff 114, developerworks 50,. (翻译:例如,如果搜索 “jaff devaloperWerks”,则 cmdSearch.pl 程序将输出 Try: jeff 114, developerworks 50。)
7. I'm glad, good, so you get it because I was looking through your PL. (翻译:我很高兴,好,所以你得到它 因为我一直在寻找通过您的P&L。)
8. Fortunately, I have a multi-step plan. (翻译:算你走运 我制定了多步计划 Fortunately, I have a multi -step plan.)
9. Even worse is minority women earning 67 cents on the dollar. Now, Ms. Dunbar can talk about balancing the scales, but she inherited a multi-billion-dollar fortune and never had to earn any cents on the dollar. (翻译:少数裔女性甚至只有67美分 Even worse is minority women earning 67 cents on the dollar. 但她继承了亿万家产 but she inherited a multi)
10. Secondly, we also research binding energies and PL spectroscopy of excitons in quantum rings in a magnetic field. (翻译:其次,还研究了磁场下量子环中激子的束缚能和PL谱。)
11. The difference between PL spectra of TMEP solution and PL spectra of TMEP solid film confirmed the formation of excimer. (翻译:激基缔合物的形成从TMEP在薄膜状态下与溶液状态下的荧光光谱的比较中得到证实。)
12. The difference between PL spectra of TMEP solution and PL spectra of TMEP solid film confirms the formation of excimer. (翻译:激基缔合物的形成从TMEP在薄膜状态下与溶液状态下的荧光光谱的比较中得到证实。)
13. They've given us the two carts pl us four more. (翻译:两车粮食还咱们! 四车是奖励的! 一共六车粮食)
14. Support multi OSD language. (翻译:支持多国OSD语言。)
15. They work as enforcers for the multi-corps. (翻译:他们是多元部队政策的强制执行人 They work as enforcers for the multi -corps.)