multiple borer是什么意思 multiple borer的中文翻译、读音、例句

multiple borer是什么意思 multiple borer的中文翻译、读音、例句

multiple borer的意思是"多轴穿孔机",其次还有"多轴穿孔机"的意思,在线读音是[multipleborer],multiple borer来源于英语,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到24个与multiple borer相关的句子。

Multiple borer的释义


例句:Even a multiple murderer can have his share of good qualities. (即便是连环杀手也会有他好的一面 Even a multiple murderer can have his share of good qualities.)


multiple borer一般作为名词使用,如在borer(钻孔器;凿岩机;錾;【机】镗床,穿孔器;矿井用穿孔器;蛀食类)、earth borer(土钻,钻土器,钻土机)、draw borer(拔孔机)等常见短语中出现较多。

earth borer土钻,钻土器,钻土机
draw borer拔孔机
fine borer[机] 精密镗床
flathead borer吉丁虫
flatheaded borer吉丁虫
grape borer葡萄虎天蛾
hemlock borer铁杉吉丁
hole borer挖穴机


1. Multiple Sunsets Like Tatooine (翻译:像塔图因星球一样的多重日落 )

2. Russian expat wanted in connection with multiple murder-for-hires involving unusual weapons. (翻译:俄国逃犯 因为与多起 Russian expat wanted in connection 使用非常规武器受雇杀人案有关 with multiple murder -for)

3. Have been attacked in the last few minutes, (翻译:好多个组织的服务器 Well, multiple agency servers)

4. It would have left multiple puncture wounds, (翻译:那会留下很多种样式的刺伤 It would have left multiple puncture wounds,)

5. Investigation on the population compose of the rice stem borer and parasitic natural enemy in the eggs of Tryporyza incertulas (翻译:水稻螟虫种群组分和三化螟卵寄生性天敌调查)

6. Add multiple attachments. (翻译:添加多个附件。)

7. Liyu 16 and Ludan 981 had better adaptability and disease resistance, and had signifitant resistance to maize borer. (翻译:蠡玉16号和鲁单981适应性和抗病性较强,对玉米锈病具有显著抗性; )

8. Using multiple identities makes it much less likely to raise any flags. (翻译:毒品的处方 to sell opioid scripts. 多重身份的使用 Using multiple identities)

9. Bt corn is a corn that creates its own pesticide to kill a corn borer. (翻译:BT 玉米能够自行产生杀虫剂来消灭其天敌玉米螟。)

10. a prediction of the damage degree of the second generation of the corn borer was conducted in Linyi of Shandong Province. (翻译:在山东临沂地区对二代玉米螟的危害程度进行了预测。)

11. Multiple dedicated T-1 lines, state-of-the-art engineering, unlimited resources. (翻译:- It is. 多个专用T1线路 Multiple dedicated T -1 lines,)

12. -Detecting multiple inbound thermal signatures! (翻译:-前方传来更强的热源... -无法脱逃...)

13. There are multiple index levels to this thing. (翻译:这玩意有多重索引 There are multiple index levels to this thing.)

14. Well, multiple agency servers (翻译:您那边出了什么事? What exactly is going on over there?)

15. It contains genes that allow it to resist infestation by the corn borer. (翻译:这种玉米中含有能够抵御玉米螟的基因。)

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