mcv是什么意思 mcv的中文翻译、读音、例句

mcv是什么意思 mcv的中文翻译、读音、例句

MCV 可以作为多种单词或者缩写词的意思,下面从不同方面进行解释。


1. MCV(mean corpuscular volume):平均红细胞体积,是一种常见的红细胞指标,用于评估红细胞大小是否正常。


- His MCV value was high, indicating that he might have anemia.(他的MCV值很高,说明他可能患有贫血。)

- The MCV index can help diagnose different types of anemia.(MCV指数有助于诊断不同类型的贫血。)

2. MCV(microcytic hypochromic anemia with iron deficiency):微细红细胞低色素性贫血,是由于缺铁造成的一种贫血类型。


- The patient was diagnosed with MCV and prescribed iron supplements.(这位患者被诊断出患有MCV,开具了铁补充剂。)


3. Minecraft 中文版(Minecraft Chinese Version):一款风靡全球的沙盒游戏,由Microsoft Studios发行。


- Many children enjoy playing MCV during their free time.(许多孩子喜欢在业余时间玩MCV。)

- The latest update of MCV has added many new features to the game.(MCV的最新更新为游戏添加了许多新功能。)


4. MCV(Model-View-Controller):模型-视图-控制器,一种常用的软件架构模式,用于构建复杂的软件系统。


- Our team used the MCV framework to develop the new website.(我们的团队使用MCV框架开发了新的网站。)

- Understanding the MCV pattern is essential for becoming a proficient software developer.(了解MCV模式对于成为熟练的软件开发人员至关重要。)


5. MCV(medium commercial vehicle):中型商用车,常用于运输货物或者乘客。


- The company recently purchased several MCVs to expand their fleet.(公司最近购买了几辆MCV扩大了他们的车队。)

- The MCV is a reliable and cost-effective option for small business owners.(MCV是小型企业主可靠且经济实惠的选择。)

中文翻译:平均红细胞体积(Mean Corpuscular Volume)



1. A high MCV value may indicate macrocytic anemia.


2. A low MCV value may indicate microcytic anemia.





例句:The final step, a last resort measure, is to sell the building or undeploy your MCV. (最后一步,也是最后的抵制手段,就是卖建筑或者收起主基地。)


例句:AMSOIL MCV controls heat and prevents slippage and glazing, and its high TBN resists acids that can degrade clutch material, helping improve clutch life. (AMSOIL此举既控制热量,防止滑动,玻璃,其高总碱抵抗酸,可以降低离合器的物质,有利于提高离合器的生活。)


例句:Conclusion: Combined detection of SEP, SCV and MCV were helpful for the judgement of the diabetic neuropathy. (结论:SEP与SCV、MCV合并检测对糖尿病患者神经系统损害程度的判断是有益的。)


例句:You could also use an extra MCV for this which gives even a larger radius but needs to be looked after! (翻译:你也可以用另一辆基地车做这些,这样你会得到更大的半径,但是需要更多的照管。)


mcv一般作为名词使用,如在MCV([医] 红细胞平均容量)等常见短语中出现较多。

MCV[医] 红细胞平均容量


1. Conclusion: Combined detection of SEP, SCV and MCV were helpful for the judgement of the diabetic neuropathy. (翻译:结论:SEP与SCV、MCV合并检测对糖尿病患者神经系统损害程度的判断是有益的。)

2. You could also use an extra MCV for this which gives even a larger radius but needs to be looked after! (翻译:你也可以用另一辆基地车做这些,这样你会得到更大的半径,但是需要更多的照管。)

3. The mean corpuscular volume(MCV) is one of index reflecting the volume and shape of red blood cells. (翻译:红细胞平均体积是反映红细胞体积大小和形状的指标之一。)

4. Conclusion: the decrease of CMAP amplitude of motor nerve is more obviously than the slowing of MCV in patients... (翻译:结论:臂丛产伤患儿运动神经的CMAP波幅降低比MCV的减慢更为显著。)

5. "Our heritage actually goes back to console, " Blizzard Entertainment's VP and executive MD of internal operations Michael Ryder told MCV. (翻译:“我们的过去可以追溯到家用游戏机,”暴雪娱乐副总裁兼内部运作执行总监MichaelRyder告诉MCV。)

6. Objective To study clinical significance of changes within MCV and RDW of the chronic hepatitis b. (翻译:目的探讨慢性乙型肝炎患者红细胞平均体积、红细胞体积分布宽度的变化与临床意义。)

7. Conclusions: Low MCV and high RDW were the characteristic changes of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy. (翻译:结论:MCV降低和RDW升高为缺铁性贫血的特征性改变。)

8. The company also has plans to expand the MCV into a fancier hybrid sports car. (翻译:该公司还计划把“大城车辆”扩展成更精致的混合运动车。)

9. If you are trying to move a small distance or have had your expansion foiled , its time to unpack the MCV and do things the sloppy way. (翻译:如果你想要移动一小段距离或者你的扩张被阻击了,那么是时候收起基地车来扩张了。)

10. If you happen to get Shadow Team rushed, move your MCV toward the blue tiberium as soon as possible. (翻译:假如游戏玩家你碰到影队快攻,尽快移动游戏玩家你的MCV到蓝矿去。)

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