mdet是什么意思 mdet的中文翻译、读音、例句

mdet是什么意思 mdet的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Probably better than anyone. (Mieux que personne, même.)

例句:Nebulas include Messier objects M8, M16, M20, as well as the Pipe and Cat's Paw nebulas. (星云有梅西耶天体M8、M16、M20,还包括烟斗星云和毛掌星云。)


1. Uh, m-m-maybe we could, you know, all go get something to eat? (翻译:呃,M -M - 也许我们可以,你知道, 都去吃点东西?)

2. Breathe strength ίnto theίr hands, Lord, as they work on hίm . (翻译:as they work on h委m .)

3. Dangerous bioagents like M510 have a lot of protocols. (翻译:像M510这种危险的生物制剂有很多协议 Dangerous bio -agents like M5)

4. All installations are manufactured according to the highest standards and are certified for Marine seismics by Det Norske Veritas. (翻译:宝华所有高压气站设备的生产都参照最高标准,并通过挪威船级社关于海洋地震勘探标准的认证。)

5. Det lyder fjollet, men du skulle have modt hunden. (翻译:对,我知道这话有点不靠谱 可你应该见见那只狗)

6. Trace elements of the explosive they used, fast burning det cord. (翻译:他们用的是燃烧迅速的导爆索 残留微乎其微)

7. all you wanted were mms and lemonade, and we couldn't find any. (翻译:所有你需要做的是M&M巧克力 和柠檬水, 我们找不到任何。)

8. Lonas, when... when can I see her? (翻译:M -Ms. Lonas, when...)

9. Det er ikke midnat endnu. Jeg har stadig lidt tid. (翻译:里克特先生,现在还没到午夜 我还有时间,对吧?)

10. Det er min eneste sikkerhed. Derfor gik jeg til journalisten. (翻译:我想保命只能用这个交换 所以我才去找那个记者)

11. Det. Souther: Two months we'll have you out, then you testify. (翻译:萨瑟探员:两个月后我们让你出来,然后你就作证。)

12. M: Jack Remington, room 1408. (翻译:M:Jack,1408号房间。)

13. Den skiderik skal bode for det. (翻译:必须他妈的有人让我弟弟的灵魂安息 听见了吗?)

14. Woman # 3: Or an "M" and a "W". Man: An "M" and a "W", exactly. (翻译:女士3:或者“M”和“W”。男士:“M”和“W”,没错。)

15. Results M1 , M3 and M4 muscarinic receptors were expressed in rat vestibular nucleus by immunohistochemistry. (翻译:结果免疫组织化学研究表明M1、M3、M4在前庭神经核中均有表达; )

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