mungoose metal是什么意思 mungoose metal的中文翻译、读音、例句

mungoose metal是什么意思 mungoose metal的中文翻译、读音、例句

mungoose metal在中文中有"芒古斯铜镍锌合金、曼古司合金"的意思,作为名词时有"曼古司铜镍锌合金"的意思,单词读音音标为[mungoosemetal],mungoose metal是一个英语名词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到74个与mungoose metal相关的例句。

Mungoose metal的翻译


例句:My pedal is to the metal, boss. (我油门已经踩到底了 老板 My pedal is to the metal, boss.)


例句:The metal could contaminate the experiment. (金属可能会污染实验 The metal could contaminate the experiment.)


例句:Metal damage, brain damage? (你们的车完蛋了 ...脑子也完蛋了吧 你们听好了 你们这群老东西)


mungoose metal一般作为名词使用,如在Mungoose metal(曼古司合金;曼古司铜镍锌合金;芒古斯铜镍锌合金)、mungoose(n. 同“mongoose”\n[网络] 黄鼠狼)、metal to metal(adj. 金属对金属的)等常见短语中出现较多。

Mungoose metal曼古司合金;曼古司铜镍锌合金;芒古斯铜镍锌合金
mungoosen. 同“mongoose”\n[网络] 黄鼠狼
metal to metaladj. 金属对金属的
metal metal bond[网络] 金属-金属键
metal semiconductor metal金属半导体金属
die metal模用金属
dingot metal直熔金属锭
diposit metal[机] 堆积金属
direct metal直接金属


1. Metal damage, brain damage? (翻译:你们的车完蛋了 ...脑子也完蛋了吧 你们听好了 你们这群老东西)

2. In Meteor Crater, it was made of metal, and metal is much tougher, so it made it to the ground. (翻译:形成陨石坑的陨石由金属组成 金属较为坚固 因此最终到达了地面 )

3. She played with the word, "metal", and the French phrase, "femme fatale". (翻译:她摆弄起单词 “metal” 和法文词组 “femme fatale”。)

4. Handcuffs, like anything metal, are vulnerable to metal fatigue. (翻译:手铐 如同任何金属制品一样 存在着金属疲劳)

5. The frame is made of metal. (翻译:框子是用金属做的。)

6. Acid corrodes metal. (翻译:酸腐蚀金属。)

7. I told you not to put metal in the science oven. (翻译:我告诉过你别放金属 I told you not to put metal in the science oven.)

8. Cars are mostly metal. (翻译:汽车大多是金属制成的。)

:// (翻译://

10. Of metal orbs clanging against one another. (翻译:金属球叮叮当当的撞击声 Of metal orbs clanging against one another.)

11. Holmium, Holmium Metal, Metal Holmium. (翻译:钬,金属钬,钬金属。)

12. These are third generation metal workers, people with families. (翻译:被裁掉的都是代代做那行的金属工人 有家室的 These are third generation metal workers, people with families.)

13. The liquid metal will harden... (翻译:液态金属会变硬 The liquid metal will harden...)

14. What metal did they use to line their famous baths? (翻译:他们用什么金属制造他们的浴缸呢 What metal did they use to line their famous baths?)

15. Working drawings! Half, in metal! (翻译:我们的工作图纸已晒好了, 部件也做了一半。)

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