muscular tension的意思是"医、肌紧张",还经常被翻译为肌张力,发音音标为[musculartension],muscular tension来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到94个与muscular tension相关的句子。
Muscular tension的中文翻译
例句:He has a big day, probably just needed to relieve some tension. (今天很重要,他大概 He has a big day, probably 需要释放些压力 just needed to relieve some tension.)
例句:Tension, four hundredweight. (小心 4英担拉力 Tension, four hundredweight.)
例句:Diagnosis of congenital muscular dystrophy and clinical significance of merosin expression (先天性肌营养不良的诊断及层黏连蛋白表达的意义)
muscular tension一般作为名词使用,如在muscular(肌肉的 )、tension(紧张 )、in tension(adj. 受拉\n[网络] 拉伸;张力)等常见短语中出现较多。
muscular | 肌肉的 |
tension | 紧张 |
in tension | adj. 受拉\n[网络] 拉伸;张力 |
the tension | 张力 |
most muscular | [网络] 最肌肉 |
muscular abductor | 外张肌 |
muscular activity | [医] 肌活动 |
muscular anesthesia | [医] 肌觉缺失 |
muscular arrector | 竖肌 |
1. Diagnosis of congenital muscular dystrophy and clinical significance of merosin expression (翻译:先天性肌营养不良的诊断及层黏连蛋白表达的意义)
2. The invention relates to a tension device, in particular to a lead tape tension device of an enamelling machine. (翻译:本发明涉及一种张紧装置,尤其是一种漆包机的引线带张紧装置。)
3. Forelegs straight and muscular with elbows close. (翻译:肌肉发达,前肢直,肘部和密切。)
4. Both atria are thin walled muscular Chambers. (翻译:两心房是由薄壁构成的空腔。)
5. He is tall, broad and muscular. (翻译:他身高体宽,肌肉发达。)
6. They are made of szpilki screw, the tension and notching, automatic machine and commercial patent, the tension and network technology. (翻译:它们是用大头针钉、不抬槽、被迫绷网机和贸易专利绷网技艺。)
7. There was tension in my wire, but I also could feel tension on the ground. (翻译:我的钢丝上有被拉紧的力度, 都在平地上都能感触到那份紧张的气氛。)
8. That was a lot of tension! (翻译:那压力可真多 That was a lot of tension!)
9. And now, as then, Jerusalem simmers with tension. (翻译:现在,正如当时一样,耶路撒冷紧张局势酝酿已久。)
10. He was tall, lean and muscular. (翻译:他高挑瘦削,强壮有力。)
11. I also sense some tension between you and I. (翻译:我也感觉到你我之间有点紧张 I also sense some tension between you and I.)
12. The tunica cuticula of muscular stomach is not obvious, and muscular stomach is used to do chemical digestion more than grind the food. (翻译:肌胃壁薄而无明显角质膜,用来进行化学消化,而不起研磨作用;)
13. No, that's muscular dystrophy, Tony. (翻译:被杰瑞路易斯听见就惨了 不,他那叫肌肉营养不良)
14. This peculiar kind of contortion is caused by severe muscular dehydration. (翻译:这种特殊的卷曲... 是肌肉严重脱水造成的)
15. In the lizard, a muscular septum partially divides the ventricle. (翻译:在虫蜴中,肌肉质的隔膜把心室部分地隔开。)