mycota是什么意思 mycota的中文翻译、读音、例句

mycota是什么意思 mycota的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:- "You Are My Friend." - "You Are My Friend." (-《You Are My Friend》 -《You Are My Friend》)


例句:Well, then can I get you a cot or something? (那么需要我帮你找张简易床 或其他什么的?)


mycota一般作为名词使用,如在Mycota(n. 【微生物】真菌纲(类)(=Eumycota))等常见短语中出现较多。

Mycotan. 【微生物】真菌纲(类)(=Eumycota)


1. We had obtained new information which indicated the true roles of Cot and Labarthe. (翻译:我们已经获得了关于科特和拉巴尔特真面目的情报。)

2. You get a cot and a place to put your stuff, man! (翻译:你得到一个婴儿床和一个地方把你的东西,男人!)

3. The father, sitting on his cot, stared at her like a madman. (翻译:这个父亲坐在帆布床上,像个精神失常的人盯着她看。)

4. So if a family suffers from one cot death, you'd put them in a high-risk group. (翻译:所以如果一个家庭出现一个婴儿猝死 你就要把他们放到高概率组)

5. I mean, we'll hardly ever be here. Look, I'll take the cot. (翻译:и种琌иぃ甧 и璶何...)

6. As the child lay sleeping in his cot, the wolf leapt in through the window; his eyes fixed firmly upon the boy. (翻译:就在孩子躺在摇篮里睡觉的时候,狼从窗户跳了进来,眼睛紧盯着熟睡的男孩。)

7. I give my heart Give my soul (翻译:I give my heart Give my soul)

8. Each day the child played happily in his cot while Beddgelert guarded the door of the cottage, carefully watching for the wolf. (翻译:每天,当孩子在自己的摇篮里开心地玩耍时,贝德格勒特便守护着农舍的门,小心提防着那匹狼。)

9. Surprisingly, nothing was said and Andy nodded his head as he sat on the cot. (翻译:奇怪的是,他们俩什么话都没说。Andy坐在小床上时点了点头。)

10. Just put us in any room. Put a cot in for my daughter. She's very tired. (翻译:那么随便找个房间吧,找个吊床给我的女儿,她很累了)

11. Sefu... didn't they get you a cot so you could stay with your brother tonight? (翻译:Sefu 他们没给你弄个小床 好让你今晚跟你弟弟待在一起?)

12. Karl, it's minimum wage, and there ain't nothing back there but an old army cot and a toilet. (翻译:瞧 卡尔 这里工资不高 条件也不好 只有一张军用沙发和马桶)

13. Half of cot deaths are linked to bed-sharing but many parents are sceptical about the risk, studies have concluded. (翻译:通过研究得出结论,一半的摇篮病与跟父母同床有关,但是很多父母对此表示怀疑。)

14. That's my room, correct to say that in the middle, I lay there in the cot. (翻译:这是我的房间,正确地说,在中间, 我躺在那里婴儿床。)

15. ¶ my, my, my, my, my, m-my, my, my, my, my ¶ (翻译:# my, my, my, my, my, m -my, my, my, my, my #)

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