myogenic electric organ是什么意思 myogenic electric organ的中文翻译、读音、例句

myogenic electric organ是什么意思 myogenic electric organ的中文翻译、读音、例句

myogenic electric organ的意思是"肌浆朊发电器官",作为名词时有"肌浆朊发电器官"的意思,在线读音是[myogenicelectricorgan],myogenic electric organ是一个英语名词,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到26个与myogenic electric organ相关的句子。

Myogenic electric organ的释义


例句:You see, ever since the 1970s, when organ transplants became a real option for patients with kidney failure and other organ diseases, organ supply has been an issue. (自xx年以来, 器官移植成为了一种现实的选择, 对于肾脏衰竭以及其他患有 器官疾病的患者而言, 器官短缺一直都是个问题。)


myogenic electric organ一般作为名词使用,如在myogenic([医] 生肌的; 肌[原]性的)、electric organ(电风琴, 放电器官, 发电器官)、electric organ synapse(发电器官神经突触)等常见短语中出现较多。

myogenic[医] 生肌的; 肌[原]性的
electric organ电风琴, 放电器官, 发电器官
electric organ synapse发电器官神经突触
myogenic activity[昆] 肌源活动
myogenic paralyses[医] 肌原性麻痹, 急性脊髓前角灰质炎
myogenic paralysis肌原性麻痹
myogenic ptosis肌[源]性上睑下垂
myogenic rhythm肌源节律
myogenic sarcoma肌原肉瘤


1. Just think when our names are up in electric lights. (翻译:Just think when our names are up in electric lights.)

2. No, donor. Organ donor. They were both organ donors. (翻译:不,捐赠者,器官捐赠者 他们都是器官捐赠者)

3. The age of the myogenic culture affects the ability to fuse. (翻译:生肌培养物的年龄影响融合能力。)

4. Electric eel, pufferfish, shrimp. (翻译:电鳗 河豚 虾 Electric eel, pufferfish, shrimp.)

5. Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials Due to Biaural and Monaural Tone Burst Stimulation (翻译:单侧及双侧短纯音刺激前庭诱发肌源性电位观察)

6. That is an electric wheelchair. (翻译:这是一台电动轮椅 That is an electric wheelchair.)

7. You have an electric cigarette. (翻译:你甚至有电动香烟 you have an electric cigarette)

8. [organ music] Time for the vows. (翻译:该说誓词了 Time for the vows.)

9. Especially the electric railway - so avoid the Tube. (翻译:特别是电气铁路 所以不要坐地铁 Especially the electric railway so avoid the Tube.)

10. Electric windows, electric locks, and electric trunk catches were the latest gadgets, but wipers were one of the backwaters of automotive technology. (翻译:电动窗、电动锁和电动后盖是最新的发明,但雨刷却是汽车技术的死水。)

11. Apply this high-level electric current (翻译:在大脑的特定区域 Apply this high -level electric current)

12. Amusing invention, the electric chair. (翻译:好玩的发明 电椅 Amusing invention, the electric chair.)

13. Arrestment is not a strategy merely decided by judicatory organ, but a Nash equilibrium which involves the judicatory organ and suspect. (翻译:逮捕是一种并非由司法机关单方意志决定的策略行为。)

14. I am here back in the Electric Lady music Studio (翻译:我现在在Electric Lady音乐工作室)

15. He invented the electric rice-cooker electric kettle, mosquito repellant electric nose hair trimmer ...but forgot to invent electricity (翻译:据说他的发明包括电饭煲 电热水炉 电蚊香 还有电鼻毛机 但是都因为一时忘记了发明电)

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