例句:8x8=64 8x9=72 8x10=80 9x1=9 9x2=18 9x3=27 9x4=36 (八七五十六八八六十四八九七十二一九得九二九十八 三九二十七四九三十六五九四十五六九五十四)
1. Contiguous safe time and safe distance to infective agent of IBV still need to be further studied. (翻译:与IB传染源接触的安全时间与安全距离则有待更深入的研究。)
2. My favorites were the Klipsch x10i. (翻译:我最喜欢的是Klipsch x10i。)
3. Networks of 1GB ethernet and DDR IB connect these nodes. (翻译:1GB 以太网和 DDR IB 网络连接这些节点。)
4. The objective function is named z and equals 3x1 + 2x2. Note that (翻译:目标函数称为 z,它等于 3x1 + 2x2。)
5. My box kills x-ray and thermal. (翻译:我造的箱子X光射不进来 热透不出去 {\3cH202020}My box kills x -ray and thermal.)
6. Let’s keep our 1x4 while breaking the 3x4 into a 3x3 and a 3x1. (翻译:让我们留下1x4的长方形, 并且把3x4的分成3x3的和3x1。)
7. The application of RCM based maintenance optimization on IDR main facility has been discussed. (翻译:详细讨论了基于RCM的维修优化的过程在IDR主体设备上的应用。)
8. Dividing that 5x8 into a 5x5 and a 5x3 leaves us with a score of 10. (翻译:把5x8的再分成5x5和5x3, 我们就能得到10分。)
9. Centre, Yankee Zulu X-ray, my elevator's jammed... and my instruments are malfunctioning, (翻译:中心,这里是YZX号 升降舵被卡住,仪器出现故障)
10. Ultraviolet, X-ray, infrared... (翻译:紫外线光 X光 红外线光... ultraviolet, X)
11. However, actual experience using IB through InfoSphere Streams did not provide such results. (翻译:但是,实际上通过InfoSphereStreams使用IB并不能提供这样的结果。)
12. If you're my X-Men, what are your powers? (翻译:如果你们是我的X战警 你们的能力都是什么?)
13. y 1 two minus one is one, that's my new value of iters left, go back up. (翻译:加x等于6,也就是y的新值,y,plus,x,is,six,,that’s,my,new,value,of,y,2减1等于,也就是iters,left的新值,然后再回去做测试。)
14. The guy says, "Put an X on this ball for my kid." (翻译:那家伙说 马里斯 在球上签一个X给我的孩子)
15. You couldn't have killed Lord X because you were Lord X only you weren't Lord X, you were a mac. (翻译:你不可能杀了X勋爵 因为你是X勋爵... 但是你不是X勋爵 你是大哥)