nair是什么意思 nair的中文翻译、读音、例句

nair是什么意思 nair的中文翻译、读音、例句

我很乐意为您解答。在您的问题中,'nair'并不是一个常见的单词或缩写词。可能您指的是'NAIRU',即非加速通货膨胀缩减率(Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment),这是一个经济学术语。如果是这种情况,我可以给您提供一些信息和例句。

1. 定义:NAIRU是指某一时期内经济社会处于稳态时的失业率水平,即保持通货膨胀稳定的最低失业率。

2. 名称来源:来源于20世纪xx年代新古典宏观经济学中的"自然失业率"(Natural Rate of Unemployment)理论。

3. 应用:NAIRU是宏观经济政策中一个非常重要的参考指标,用于制定货币和财政政策,以达到控制通货膨胀和促进就业的目的。

4. 影响因素:NAIRU受到经济结构、技术进步、劳动力市场和社会保障政策等多种因素的影响。


1. The central bank has identified the NAIRU as a key factor in its monetary policy decision-making.

2. The country's NAIRU has been gradually declining over the past decade due to structural reforms.

3. According to the latest economic data, the current NAIRU is estimated to be around 4%.

4. Fiscal policymakers must take into account the NAIRU when designing long-term economic plans.

5. The government's social security policies have a significant impact on the NAIRU and labor market conditions.


1. nair 【名词】 娜依尔(印度旧时属于高种姓的人);


例句:In the past, nairs were considered to be of high caste in India.(在过去,娜依尔在印度被认为是高种姓。)

2. Nair 【名词】 奈尔(一种能够快速脱毛的化妆品);


例句:I use Nair to remove hair from my legs.(我使用奈尔来去除我的腿上的毛发。)




例句:The steps of the met will no longer be restricted to a certain crowd. No more nair-tinis. no more head bands. (台阶聚会不再,局限于特定的人群。发带也是过去时了。)


例句:- Nothing lt's your address. Sweety Nair, 13th floor, flat no.1 .. (这是您的地址,Sweety纳伊尔 13楼,平1 ...)


例句:Clean nair and water is a prerequisite not only for human life, but also for all life on the planet. (清洁空气和水是人类生活的前提,也是地球上所有生命的先决条件。)


例句:Waving to me in the wrong direction Ms. Nair. (翻译:朝我挥手告别,却对着错误的方向,奈尔太太)


1. Clean nair and water is a prerequisite not only for human life, but also for all life on the planet. (翻译:清洁空气和水是人类生活的前提,也是地球上所有生命的先决条件。)

2. Waving to me in the wrong direction Ms. Nair. (翻译:朝我挥手告别,却对着错误的方向,奈尔太太)

3. The filmmaker Mira Nair speaks about growing up in a small town in India. Its name is Bhubaneswar, and here's a picture of one of the temples in her town. (翻译:制片家Mira Nair谈到小时候在印度的一个小镇 成长的故事,小镇名叫Bhubaneswar, 这位于她城镇一座寺庙的图像 )

4. And, on your way to any of these Ms Nair... could you please fetch me my... (翻译:还有,不管你接下去做什么,奈尔太太... 途中请您... 帮我拿一下我的...)

5. Clean nair, clean water and rich forest and wildlife. (翻译:干净的水,丰富的森林资源以及野生动植物。)

6. Two took place in India last week; work by younger artists such as Surendran Nair and Shibu Natesan beat estimates by more than 70%. (翻译:有两场于上周在印度举行;SurendranNair和ShibuNatesan等年轻艺术家的作品售价比估价超出70%。)

7. I will give her wings made of words, Ms. Nair. (翻译:我将给她一双翅膀,用文字做成的翅膀,奈尔太太)



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