napocor是什么意思 napocor的中文翻译、读音、例句

napocor是什么意思 napocor的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Time for my medication and my nap. (我的吃药时间,我的午睡时间。Time for my medication and my nap.)


1. Otherwise, we need to have a little nap. (翻译:或者我们可以小睡一会儿 Otherwise, we need to have a little nap.)

2. His face is close to the carpet; the wattles are jogging in the nap of the rug. (翻译:他的脸紧贴着地毯,垂下来的软肉在毯子的绒毛上颤动。)

3. And the nap thing, that was just£­£­ that's me trying to be romantic. (翻译:还有打盹的事情,那只是... ... 我希望浪漫一点!)

4. Ew! Stop. I nap on that couch. (翻译:恶心 别说了 我常在下面那个沙发上打盹的好不好)

5. Taking a nap is one of my favorites. (翻译:睡午觉是我的爱好之一。)

6. Ann Geddes is in the lobby, taking a nap in someone's hand. (翻译:Ann Geddes在大厅里靠著别人睡得香呢)

7. Following the latest fashion trend only makes you a tiny drop in an oc ean of people. (翻译:盲目追逐最新潮流只会使自己平凡的像海洋里的一滴水。)

8. Yeah, he was on the deck, taking a nap a little while ago. (翻译:开什么玩笑 Are you kidding me? 他...)

9. Elsewhere, the concrete floor was simply sealed with zero-VOC epoxy. (翻译:其他混凝土楼板也完全使用了零V OC环氧粘合剂。)

10. Take A caffeine nap - If you are on the edge of the zone, but sort of cloudy in the head, try a caffeine nap. (翻译:服用些咖啡因小睡一会儿---如果你感觉自己马上要进入状态,但脑袋总是闷闷的,试试这个方法。)

11. And then when he takes his nap, (翻译:And then when he takes his nap,)

12. This is a statement from the acting OC of the IRA in this area. (翻译:这是一个这片地区爱尔兰共和军指挥官的声明)

13. I was just taking a nap in some alley. (翻译:我在一个小胡同打盹 I was just taking a nap in some alley.)

14. I feel quite masculine,it's not the easist thing to use if you do have to get a nap of it because like swinging it's swinging you have get the nap of that (翻译:那种替代阴茎最受欢迎 我感觉更加男性化,使用也不是很容易 摇摆过程中你要拉长它)

15. It reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles whilst I nap. (翻译:它可以在我睡觉时帮我抵挡光线 并减缓皱纹)

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