naravelia pilurifera hance的中文解释是"两广钖兰莲",在日常中也代表"两广钖兰莲"的意思,读音为[naraveliapiluriferahance],naravelia pilurifera hance来源于英语,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到43个与naravelia pilurifera hance相关的例句。
Naravelia pilurifera hance的翻译
例句:After a tough victory in the primaries, Bush ran in the general election against Democratic State Senator Kent Hance. (初选艰难胜出后,布什在大选中与民主党人、州参议员肯特?汉斯展开角逐。)
naravelia pilurifera hance一般作为名词使用,如在Naravelia(n. 锡兰莲属)、Naravelia pilulifera(n. 两广锡兰莲)、Naravelia zeylanica(n. 锡兰莲)等常见短语中出现较多。
Naravelia | n. 锡兰莲属 |
Naravelia pilulifera | n. 两广锡兰莲 |
Naravelia zeylanica | n. 锡兰莲 |
hance arch | 平圆拱,三心拱 |
euphorbia pilurifera l. | 乳仔草(H.F.);过路蜈蚣(K.F.);飞扬草(H.M.) |
diospyros morrisiana hance | 罗浮柿;山柿(F.N.) |
echinops grijisii hance | 格利氏蓝刺头(药材学) |
eomecon chionantha hance | 血水草(H.N.);水黄连;广扁钱;捆仙绳 |
eriocaulon truncatum hance | 谷精草(H.C.) |
1. Objective To determine the active fraction with anticancer effect in vitro from Nervilia ford ii(Hance) Schltr. (翻译:目的确定广西特产药材青天葵体外抗肿瘤作用的活性部位。)
2. It is such an attemptod prob . c . hance to me that I must n't. (翻译:它是这么好的机遇,对比一下永久免费网络硬盘。以至于我绝不能错过。)
3. This article studied the anti-oxidant activity of total flavonoids from Alpinia Officinarum Hance and Alpinia Galangal willd in vitro. (翻译:本文主要比较研究高良姜和大高良姜总黄酮的体外抗氧化活性。)
4. CONCLUSION Carry on a comprehensive research development to Adina rubella Hance, and the foreground is very vast. (翻译:结论对水杨梅进行研究开发,具有广阔的前景。)
5. Effects of Organic Materials on Zinc Phytoextraction from Contaminated Soils by Sedum alfredii Hance (翻译:有机物料对东南景天提取污染土壤中锌的影响)
6. 39 Cases of central serous retinopathy treated by ixeris sonchifolia hance (翻译:苦碟子治疗中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变39例)
7. Sedum alfredii Hance from two different areas were researched in this study. (翻译:对两种不同地域的野生东南景天进行了分析。)
8. Curative Effect of Ixeris Sonchifolia Hance Injection in the Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (翻译:苦碟子液治疗糖尿病周围神经病变的疗效观察)
9. AIM: To study the constituents of Abrus mollis Hance. (翻译:目的:研究毛鸡骨草的化学成分。)
10. Sedum alfredii Hance from two different areas were researched in this study. (翻译:对两种不同地域的野生东南景天进行了分析。)