narcolepsies是什么意思 narcolepsies的中文翻译、读音、例句

narcolepsies是什么意思 narcolepsies的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:As I saw the Loc-Nar's glow, I had this real funny feeling. (当我看到禄 - Nar的辉光, 我有这个真正奇怪的感觉。)


1. Cole Pfeiffer did not arrive for our meeting. (翻译:Cole Pfeiffer没来参加我们的会议)

2. And rope-climb, blind-folded? (翻译:Et jeter les araignées dans la purée?)

3. Mr Cole, this is Madani Wasem. (翻译:Cole先生 我是Madani Wasem)

4. We just picked up Cole Marshak. He was out squirrel hunting. (翻译:我们现在去找Cole Marshak 他去猎松鼠了)

5. The Provo said Gillian Cole reached out to him. (翻译:教务长说Gillian Cole 找到了他)

6. We'll really think about what psi means. (翻译:我们要想一想ps i真正的意义。)

7. They said Gillian Cole isn't being cooperative. (翻译:他们说Gillian Cole不怎么配合)

8. Yeah, maybe. But Cole Pfeiffer would. (翻译:是 也许吧 但Cole Pfeiffer能撑住)

9. Responses were quite divided in this question, with almost 20% never using ES6, over 10% using it exclusively, close to 30% using it extensively and almost 40% using it occasionally. (翻译:受访者在这个问题上的反应相当分歧,有近20%的人几乎从不使用ES6,超过10%的人只写es6,接近30%的人广泛使用ES6,近40%的人偶尔使用。)

10. - Over and out. UME - 4.7 psi, pure O2. (翻译:-UME填充完毕,纯氧压力 4.7 psi)

11. Maybe I can do something for you at the Adelon Hotel. Oh, that would be wonderful. (翻译:Lief er schnell es nah zu sehen)

12. Culturing single suspension ES-like cell formed cystic embryoid body. (翻译:悬浮培养ES细胞能得到囊状胚体。)

13. Mi nombre es Juan Ruiz Escarzaga. (翻译:Mi nombre es Juan Ruiz Escarzaga.)

14. Genitive - Mein es gut en Freund es, of my good friend. (翻译:第二格—Mein es gut en Freund es of my good friend。)

15. Cole, where are you go- where- what's going on? (翻译:Cole 你去哪儿... 去哪儿... 出了什么事?)



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