1. The narmtape of rain sounds outside my window always helps me fall asleep. (雨声在窗外的narmtape总是可以帮我入睡。)
2. She puts on a narmtape every time she feels stressed or anxious. (每当她感到压力和焦虑时,她会播放narmtape。)
3. I love listening to narmtape while taking a relaxing bath. (我喜欢在放松的浴缸中听narmtape。)
4. This narmtape of ocean waves is perfect for meditation. (这种海浪声的narmtape非常适合冥想。)
5. The narmtape of a crackling fireplace always sets a cozy atmosphere. (壁炉发出的声音总是会营造出温馨的氛围。)
6. This narmtape of bird songs is perfect for a morning yoga session. (这个鸟鸣声的narmtape非常适合早晨的瑜伽练习。)
7. I like to unwind with a narmtape of soft classical music after a long day. (在经历了漫长的一天后,我喜欢听柔和的古典音乐narmtape放松身心。)
8. She always plays a narmtape of her favorite songs when she needs a mood boost. (每当她需要提振士气时,她总是会播放她钟爱的歌曲的narmtape。)
9. The narmtape of wind chimes is perfect for a peaceful afternoon nap. (风铃声的narmtape非常适合安静的午后小憩。)
例句:It's the, uh, surveillance tape of the garage that night. (surveillance tape of the garage that night.)
例句:n: no, i'll put nasal cannulae into your nostrils and tape the tubes onto your cheek. (护士:我给您下鼻管,再把软管粘在您的脸上。)
narmtape一般作为名词使用,如在Narmtape(钠姆合成树脂粘接剂, 酚醛树脂-丁睛橡胶膜状粘合剂)等常见短语中出现较多。
Narmtape | 钠姆合成树脂粘接剂, 酚醛树脂-丁睛橡胶膜状粘合剂 |
1. Didn't get much sleep last night, old son, did you? (翻译:\ n你好。- 你睡得太多昨晚\ n啊,杰里?)
2. Lambda power N on factorial N multiplied by sum from V equals zero up to the infinite of less than 1 power V (翻译:λ 的 N 次方比 N 的阶乘 乘以 n 等于 0 求极限)
3. Any duct tape in your truck? (翻译:你卡车上有胶带吗 Any duct tape in your truck?)
4. That tape and that player is mine! (翻译:那个磁带和播放器也是我的! That tape and that player is mine!)
5. I mean, seriously, can you picture the two of us together arm in arm at the police ball? (翻译:我的意思是,认真,你能 图片中我们一起... ARM在ARM 在警方的球?)
6. They sent it to you, this tape? (翻译:他们把带子给你发了 They sent it to you, this tape?)
7. I didn't do it-- it was this thing. (翻译:It was this thing. 是我的手臂 My arm.)
8. There was a tape recorder. (翻译:有一台答录机 There was a tape recorder.)
9. I bought an N gage locomotive. (翻译:我买了辆N轨距火车 I bought an N)
10. # The lambs with his arm # (翻译:聚拢所有的羔羊 # The lambs with his arm #)
11. -Brennan, but she can't have visitors. (翻译
12. Hey, take my arm, take my arm, okay? (翻译:扶住我的手臂 扶住我的手臂 Hey, take my arm, take my arm, okay?)
13. I could be the sea cap`n returning from a mighty voyage to reclaim his mechanical arm! (翻译:可以演一个历经磨难的船长 刚刚返航修复他的假肢)
14. New teacher walks in the room with a terminator arm? (翻译:new teacher walks in the room with a Terminator arm?)
15. Algebra. " X" to the nth plus " Y" to the nth equals " Z" to the nth. (翻译:代数,X的N次方 加Y的N次方等于Z的N次方)