nasaa是什么意思 nasaa的中文翻译、读音、例句

nasaa是什么意思 nasaa的中文翻译、读音、例句

对于 'nasaa' 这个词语,暂时无法确定其含义,因此无法从不同方面展开说明。如果是拼写错误,可尝试修正后再进行分析。




例句:For 30 years, they questioned the need for NASA. (xx年来,大家都在问太空总署 今天就要给他们答案)


例句:Dave Roeger, here, at NASA. (嘿 Howard 我是美航局的Dave Roeger)


例句:I'm Morgan Hendry. I am NASA. (我叫Morgan Hendry。我是NASA人。)


1. I'm Morgan Hendry. I am NASA. (翻译:我叫Morgan Hendry。我是NASA人。)

2. The same NASA you flew for. (翻译:你当过飞行员的那个航天局 The same NASA you flew for.)

3. But what the NASA people had asked me really was, "Do these guys have a biosignature? (翻译:但是是NASA的官员问我 “那这些人 有生命指标吗? )

4. And that explains why that NASA manager was actually in my office to begin with. (翻译:它解释了 那位NASA主管来到我办公室的原因)

5. It began in 2009 with the launch of NASA's Kepler mission. (翻译:故事开始于 2009 年, NASA 启动了开普勒计划。)

6. What attempts have been made to make contact with Mark Watney? (翻译:为了联系上 Mark Watney , NASA都做了哪些尝试?)

7. NASA was always curious about the Monolith. (翻译:-way trip. 美国宇航局对巨石一直很好奇 NASA was always curious about the monolith.)

8. Now, my task at NASA is to develop the next generation of aviation fuels. (翻译:我在NASA的任务就是开发 新一代航空燃料 )

9. Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA Richard C. Hoagland (翻译:黑暗任务:NASA神秘的历史自然科学总论)

10. Secretly funding nasa missions. (翻译:然后 突然 他们就出现了 And then, suddenly, there they were,)

11. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (翻译:美国宇航局戈达德宇宙航行中心 )

12. I'm Morgan Hendry. I am NASA. (翻译:我叫Morgan Hendry。我是NASA人。)

13. Well, to NASA - Armstrong, Ride... (翻译:- 好吧,太空总署,阿姆斯特朗,莱德...)

14. NASA/JPL/University of Arizona (翻译:美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/亚利桑那大学 )

15. I did eight years in NASA tech support for her, okay? (翻译:我在NASA做xx年 她的技术支持,好吗?)

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