nasal feeding是什么意思 nasal feeding的中文翻译、读音、例句

nasal feeding是什么意思 nasal feeding的中文翻译、读音、例句

nasal feeding在英语中代表"鼻饲法"的意思,在英美地区还有"医"的意思,读音为[nasalfeeding],nasal feeding在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到95个与nasal feeding相关的例句。

Nasal feeding的释义


例句:Conclusion: Nasal endoscopy conduces to the diagnosis of pharyngeal bursitis. (结论:鼻内镜检查有助于咽囊炎的诊断。)


例句:Did they see cows feeding their calves and think, (他们看到奶牛在给小牛喂奶就想 Did they see cows feeding their calves and think,)


nasal feeding一般作为名词使用,如在nasal(①鼻音的②鼻子的 )、feeding(n. 饲养, 进料, 加料\na. 供给饲料的, 摄取食物的)、feeding on(na. 同“feed off ”;“live on”的变体)等常见短语中出现较多。

feedingn. 饲养, 进料, 加料\na. 供给饲料的, 摄取食物的
feeding onna. 同“feed off ”;“live on”的变体
glioma nasal[医] 鼻神经胶质瘤
nasal adenoma鼻部腺瘤
nasal administration[医] 鼻内投药
nasal aerosolization鼻气雾吸入法
nasal airway[医] 鼻腔导气管
nasal ala鼻翼


1. the feeding effect of growing pigs was compared by feeding trial of MGP instead of SBM partly. (翻译:通过饲养试验对味精蛋白替代部分豆粕饲喂生长猪的饲养效果进行了比较研究。)

2. Needs to be at least 60 hectares to be a proper feeding ground. (翻译:湿地至少要60公顷才能成为聚食地 needs to be at least 60 hectares to be a proper feeding ground.)

3. Nasal sound: It is produced by totally blacking the air stream into oral cavity and letting it out through the nasal cavity. (翻译:鼻音:发鼻音时,口腔中形成阻碍的两个部分完全闭塞,气流从鼻腔中通过成声。)

4. He was suffering from nasal catarrh. (翻译:他正患鼻粘膜炎。)

5. I start with the nasal hair. (翻译:我会从鼻毛开始 I start with the nasal hair.)

6. Right here in the feeding area. (翻译:他们还有被喂过呢 Right here in the feeding area.)

7. Force-feeding them sugar water? (翻译:给他们强行注入糖水 {\3cH000000}Force -feeding them sugar water?)

8. Objective To investigate the neoplasty of cerebrospinal rhinorrhea by means of mucoperiosteal flap of nasal septum and inferior nasal meatus. (翻译:目的利用鼻中隔和下鼻道黏骨膜瓣对前颅底部分骨质缺损和脑脊液鼻漏进行修补的研究。)

9. Conclusion The nasal endoscope could treat the children nasal polyp with safe and ideal effect. (翻译:结论应用鼻内窥镜治疗儿童上颌窦后息肉安全、效果理想。)

10. Out here feeding opportunities are always few and far between. (翻译:Out here, feeding opportunities are always few and far between. 在这里 觅食的机会稀少难寻)

11. Three cases of benign schwannomas originating in the nasal cavity, the nasal-ethmoid, and the pterygopalatine fossa are reported. (翻译:三例良性神经鞘瘤起源于鼻腔,鼻腔,筛窦,和翼腭窝的报告。)

12. No complication such as nasal septal perforation and atrophic rhinitis occurred. (翻译:无鼻中隔穿孔及萎缩性鼻炎等鼻腔并发症发生。)

13. The septum articulates caudally with the anterior nasal spine. (翻译:鼻中隔的尾侧端与前鼻棘相接。)

14. In some people, nasal steroids cause irritation, crusting, and bleeding of the nasal septum, especially during the winter. (翻译:在一些人,鼻类固醇会导致红肿,结痂,鼻中隔出血,尤其是在冬季。)

15. Feeding the 5,000 is an event I first organized in 2009. (翻译:Feeding the 5000是一个我在xx年第一次组织的活动。)

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