nasal septal branch是什么意思 nasal septal branch的中文翻译、读音、例句

nasal septal branch是什么意思 nasal septal branch的中文翻译、读音、例句

nasal septal branch在中文中有"鼻中隔支"的意思,还有鼻中隔支的意思,在线发音:[nasalseptalbranch],nasal septal branch常被用作名词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到43个与nasal septal branch相关的例句。

Nasal septal branch的词典翻译


例句:I start with the nasal hair. (我会从鼻毛开始 I start with the nasal hair.)


nasal septal branch一般作为名词使用,如在nasal septal abscess(鼻中隔脓肿)、nasal septal cartilage(鼻中隔软骨)、external nasal branch(鼻外支)等常见短语中出现较多。

nasal septal abscess鼻中隔脓肿
nasal septal cartilage鼻中隔软骨
external nasal branch鼻外支
lateral nasal branch鼻外侧支
in branch入支路
septal abscess[医] 中隔脓肿
septal aneurysm中隔动脉瘤;中间动脉瘤


1. That's what the Branch Davidians did. (翻译:Branch Davidians曾那样做过.)

2. METHODS: We outline a case of a nasal epidermoid occurring post-blunt nasal trauma and its subsequent excision. (翻译:方法:我们大纲一例鼻表皮发生后钝鼻外伤及以后的手术切除。)

3. They developed opposable thumbs and toes for swinging from branch to branch, across the broad canopy of treetops, where all their needs were fulfilled. (翻译:它们发育出适合抓握的拇指和脚趾 They developed opposable thumbs and toes 可以在树枝间摇荡 穿过宽阔的树冠 for swinging from branch to branch, across the broad canopy of treetops, 从而满足它们所有的需求 where all their needs were fulfilled.)

4. CONCLUSION: This nasal insulin spray has no damage to the nasal mucosas of rats. (翻译:结论:上述胰岛素鼻喷雾剂无急性鼻粘膜纤毛毒性。)

5. No complication such as nasal septal perforation and atrophic rhinitis occurred. (翻译:无鼻中隔穿孔及萎缩性鼻炎等鼻腔并发症发生。)

6. These arteries branch and re branch to form arterioles. (翻译:这些动脉又一再分支形成小动脉。)

7. Most of the post-septal part of the nephridial tube is secretory. (翻译:肾管的后隔膜大部分具有分泌作用。)

8. Special Branch is withdrawing your protection. (翻译:特工处刚通知 将撤回对您的保护 Special Branch is withdrawing your protection.)

9. Wrong branch of government. (翻译:你找错了政府机构 Wrong branch of government.)

10. A tree branch broke my bedroom window. (翻译:有断树枝砸坏了我的窗户 A tree branch broke my bedroom window. l)

11. The origin of procerus was beyond the line between nasal bone and lateral nasal cartilage, and the insertion point was at the level of both medial eyebrows. (翻译:降眉间肌起于鼻骨与鼻外侧软骨连接处以上,止于两眉内侧的水平线。)

12. Coordinate a search with Special Branch in Northern Ireland. (翻译:和驻北爱的政治保安处联系 Coordinate a search with Special Branch in Northern Ireland.)

13. Three cases of benign schwannomas originating in the nasal cavity, the nasal-ethmoid, and the pterygopalatine fossa are reported. (翻译:三例良性神经鞘瘤起源于鼻腔,鼻腔,筛窦,和翼腭窝的报告。)

14. The dorsal nasal artery supplies the proximal portion of the nose and contributes to the subdermal plexus of the nasal tip. (翻译:鼻背动脉供应鼻近端部分并参与鼻尖真皮下血管丛形成。)

15. Conclusion The nasal endoscope could treat the children nasal polyp with safe and ideal effect. (翻译:结论应用鼻内窥镜治疗儿童上颌窦后息肉安全、效果理想。)

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