narrowline profile是什么意思 narrowline profile的中文翻译、读音、例句

narrowline profile是什么意思 narrowline profile的中文翻译、读音、例句

narrowline profile的中文解释是"窄谱线轮廓",还有窄谱线轮廓的意思,读音为[narrowlineprofile],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到96个与narrowline profile相关的例句。

Narrowline profile的词典翻译


例句:The circular profile of the outer-ring raceway merges smoothly at its apex into a straight profile. (外圈滚道的圆形轮廓在它的顶点处,顺利地归并到笔直轮廓上。)


narrowline profile一般作为名词使用,如在profile(①侧面②简介 )、in profile((人的面部)从侧面看)、die profile(拉模孔型)等常见短语中出现较多。

in profile(人的面部)从侧面看
die profile拉模孔型
diffused profile扩散分布图
diffusion profile扩散分布图;扩散曲线
double profile重复断面(即河川横断面两个以上阶段为二重断面)
drag profile剖面阻力
earning profile[网络] 收益型态
economic profile经济侧面


1. Still trying to put together an Inhuman psych profile. (翻译:我还在想办法搞清楚他的心理 Still trying to put together an inhuman psych profile.)

2. The profile is in slot 108. (翻译:The profile is in slot 108.)

3. They may not have your facial recognition profile uploaded yet. (翻译:他们也许还没上传你的面部识别文件 They may not have your facial recognition profile uploaded yet.)

4. When you set a value for Profile. PostalCode, the value is automatically stored for the current user. (翻译:为Profile.PostalCode设置值时,会自动为当前用户存储该值。)

5. In LMS, you can group students into a specific profile that belongs to a profile category. (翻译:在LMS中,可以将学生分组到属于某一个配置文件类别的特定配置文件中。)

6. But they write the profile themselves, right? (翻译:right? So they can say what they want.)

7. Every profile backlink is and will be manually reviewed. (翻译:每个配置文件反向现在和将来都是人工审查。)

8. It was a huge part of his profile. (翻译:这是他备受关注的重要原因 It was a huge part of his profile.)

9. New profile obtained. Validating profile. . . profile validated. Access to Carrion Device granted. (翻译:新文件接收,确认文件,文件确认有效。准许接入腐蚀装置。)

10. Oh, um, the I.D. thief I helped you profile? (翻译:the I. D. thief I helped you profile?)

11. 2.5 minutes to switch the security profile. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs20\2cHFFFFFF\b0}用两分半更换安全系统资料 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\2cHFFFFFF\b0}2.5 minutes to switch the security profile.)

12. The appearances of BSRs oon near-offset profile, stacked profile, migration profile, migration profile, instantaneous amplitude profile and instantaneous phase profile are compared and described. (翻译:比较了近炮检距剖面、叠加剖面、偏移剖面、瞬时振幅剖面与瞬时相位剖面上BSR的显示特征。)

13. This rice contains a complete nutritional profile. (翻译:一粒大米包含了人体所需的 This rice contains a complete nutritional profile.)

14. But we came back, albeit with less real estate and a lower profile. (翻译:们复活了 But we came back, 虽然基地少了 知名度也低了 albeit with less real estate and a lower profile.)

15. Traditional bomber profile means we lose (翻译:根据通常的炸弹客类型 排除掉亚洲人 Traditional bomber profile means we lose Asians)

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