nasal cartilage elevator是什么意思 nasal cartilage elevator的中文翻译、读音、例

nasal cartilage elevator是什么意思 nasal cartilage elevator的中文翻译、读音、例

nasal cartilage elevator的中文解释是"鼻软骨剥离器",作为名词时有"鼻软骨剥离器"的意思,读音为[nasalcartilageelevator],nasal cartilage elevator在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到85个与nasal cartilage elevator相关的句子。

Nasal cartilage elevator的词典翻译


例句:The elevator was ascending, and stopped at the second floor, but the girl did not walk out of the elevator. (电梯上升著,在第二层停了下来。但是那个女孩并未走出电梯。)


nasal cartilage elevator一般作为名词使用,如在nasal cartilage(鼻柱骨)、lateral nasal cartilage(鼻外侧软骨)、nasal alar cartilage(鼻翼软骨)等常见短语中出现较多。

nasal cartilage鼻柱骨
lateral nasal cartilage鼻外侧软骨
nasal alar cartilage鼻翼软骨
nasal capsule cartilage鼻囊软骨
nasal lateral cartilage鼻侧软骨
nasal parietal cartilage鼻腔壁软骨
nasal septal cartilage鼻中隔软骨
nasal periosteum elevator鼻骨膜分离器;鼻骨膜起子
nasal septum elevator鼻中隔剥离器


1. Jarvis: The elevator requires a special key. (翻译:升降机的启动需要特别的钥匙 The elevator requires a special key.)

2. It is composed of cartilage which surrounds the larynx. (翻译:它是软骨组织包裹喉形成。)

3. Guys, get Lonny in the elevator. (翻译:get Lonny in the elevator.)

4. The origin of procerus was beyond the line between nasal bone and lateral nasal cartilage, and the insertion point was at the level of both medial eyebrows. (翻译:降眉间肌起于鼻骨与鼻外侧软骨连接处以上,止于两眉内侧的水平线。)

5. Conclusion The nasal endoscope could treat the children nasal polyp with safe and ideal effect. (翻译:结论应用鼻内窥镜治疗儿童上颌窦后息肉安全、效果理想。)

6. But what if the elevator was rising? (翻译:所以我感受不到地板对我脚的压力 但如果电梯在上升呢)

7. I start with the nasal hair. (翻译:我会从鼻毛开始 I start with the nasal hair.)

8. The woman in the elevator. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs17\bord0\shad0\b0}刚才电梯里那个女人 {\fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs13\bord0\shad0\b0}The woman in the elevator.)

9. Falling through an elevator shaft. (翻译:从电梯井垂直坠落 Falling through an elevator shaft.)

10. And it's just amazing, walk in the elevator and there's lights on in the elevator. (翻译:非常令人讶异,走进电梯,电梯里有灯照明。)

11. In some people, nasal steroids cause irritation, crusting, and bleeding of the nasal septum, especially during the winter. (翻译:在一些人,鼻类固醇会导致红肿,结痂,鼻中隔出血,尤其是在冬季。)

12. Nasal cavity filled with soft tissue and destruction of nasal septum and turbinates. (翻译:鼻腔内充以软组织影,鼻甲、鼻中隔破坏。)

13. The people on the elevator, there was no backing on it... (翻译:升降机里面有人 却没有墙 我看过去 看到人)

14. And it's just amazing, walk in the elevator, and there's lights on in the elevator. (翻译:当然了,现在我对家里不必要的开灯非常敏感。)

15. There are no squirrels in the elevator. (翻译:There are no squirrels in the elevator. 你在叫什么吗? 没有松鼠在电梯里)

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