martian spherule是什么意思 martian spherule的中文翻译、读音、例句

martian spherule是什么意思 martian spherule的中文翻译、读音、例句

martian spherule的中文解释是"火星球",其中文解释还有"网络"的意思,发音是[martianspherule],martian spherule来源于英语,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到72个与martian spherule相关的例句。

Martian spherule的释义


例句:I never understood that relationship. It's like oil and a Martian. (我从来没理解过那种关系 有点像地球人跟火星人)

例句:So that means that the Martian day is 40 minutes longer than the Earth day. (这就是说,火星的一天比地球长40分钟。)


martian spherule一般作为名词使用,如在Martian spherule([网络] 火星球)、spherule(小球 )、Martian(火星的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

Martian spherule[网络] 火星球
framboidal spherule草莓状球粒
glass spherule玻璃球粒
glassy spherule玻璃质球(火山岩)
graphite spherule石墨球
magnetic spherule磁球
paranuclear spherule[医] 初质, 初浆
rod spherule杆小球


1. In sum, the Martian regolith generally consists of impact ejecta and debris from mudflows or floods, interstratified with windblown dust. (翻译:整体而言,火星表面岩屑通常含有撞击喷出物质和来自泥流或洪水的碎屑,混合著风吹尘土层。)

2. How can we land a large rover while still keeping rocket fuel away from the Martian soil? (翻译:我们怎么让一个大型探测车 着落的同时,火箭燃料又能 远离火星土壤呢? )

3. The geologic story the Opportunity read there always spoke of an ancient martian wasteland of windblown dunes pocked by the occasional acid-laced puddle. (翻译:机遇号对于火星地理结构的解读总是揭示出一个存在于远古火星的,来自于海洋性酸股介水坑的废弃风沙之地。)

4. The Martian soil composition is similar to that of Hawaiian volcanic ash, with trace amounts of organic material. (翻译:火星的土壤和夏威夷火山灰的组成类似 它们都有微量的有机物组成。)

5. Are the Martian shield volcanoes still active? (翻译:火星上的盾状火山还处于活跃期吗? )

6. As Martian winter draws to a close, the bottom layers of seasonal carbon dioxide ice begin to evaporate. (翻译:因为火星的冬天即将结束,季节性的二氧化碳的固体底层开始挥发。)

7. Honey, we don't care if you're a Russian or a Martian. (翻译:亲爱的,我们不在乎你是 苏俄人还是火星人...)

8. The normal expression of VEGFR is right kidney spherule development, reach its of normal structure and function maintain very necessary. (翻译:VEGFR的正常表达对肾小球发育,及其正常结构和功能的维持都十分必要。)

9. Such an infant would be the first real Martian -- at least by nationality. (翻译:这个孩子将会是第一个火星人——至少从国籍来看是这样的。)

10. The spherule contains endospores. (翻译:小球体包含内生孢子。)

11. And then, of course, NASA also had a big announcement, and President Clinton gave a press conference, about this amazing discovery of life in a Martian meteorite. (翻译:当然 NASA做了一个重大宣布 克林顿总统开了新闻发布会 宣布在火星陨石上 发现了生命 )

12. But a Martian year is two years, because Mars' orbit is twice the size of Earth's. (翻译:但火星年是两年, 因为火星的轨道 是地球的两倍。)

13. 'I was there... '...when first man... '...met Martian.' (翻译:在人类与火星人... 首度面对面的一刻 当时我在现场)

14. The apparent refutation of the biological hypothesis for the ALH 84001 meteorite leaves the question of Martian life unresolved. (翻译:表面上对84001陨石生物学假说的反驳使火星生命问题扑朔迷离。)

15. She believes the Mars sample could be just as vulnerable to Earthly microbes as people might be to any Martian germs. (翻译:她相信火星细菌对人类的危害性,将只是像接触地球上的细菌一样。)

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