navcam是什么意思 navcam的中文翻译、读音、例句

navcam是什么意思 navcam的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:CAM is almost certainly here to stay and supplant its predecessors. (这里可以断言的是,CAM肯定会替代其前辈。)


例句:After he evaded the cops, a security cam caught this. (他躲过警察的追捕后 监控探头拍到了这段录像)

例句:Mount Rushmore Ranger Nav Singh said security warnings and tourists alerted officials when the banner was unrolled. (拉希摩尔的兰杰-纳维-辛格说,当旗子被展开的时候,安全警报和游客提醒了有关人员。)


例句:Cam 1, I got a good signal. Cam 2, I got a good signal. (翻译:1号摄像机,信号良好,2号摄像机,信号良好)


navcam一般作为名词使用,如在Navcam([网络] 导航相机;导航照相机;导航像机)等常见短语中出现较多。

Navcam[网络] 导航相机;导航照相机;导航像机


1. Mount Rushmore Ranger Nav Singh said security warnings and tourists alerted officials when the banner was unrolled. (翻译:拉希摩尔的兰杰-纳维-辛格说,当旗子被展开的时候,安全警报和游客提醒了有关人员。)

2. Cam 1, I got a good signal. Cam 2, I got a good signal. (翻译:1号摄像机,信号良好,2号摄像机,信号良好)

3. Because you left Cam all alone and if you don't come back, she's going to lose everything. (翻译:因为你们丢下Cam一个人 要是不回来 她就什么都没了)

4. All pages that are linked to by a top-nav bar must display the top-nav bar themselves. (翻译:顶部导航条中链接的所有页面本身也一定要显示在顶部导航条。)

5. NADP - malic enzyme is an important decarboxylase in CAM plants. (翻译:苹果酸酶是CAM植物一种重要脱羧酶。)

6. Security cam inside the gallery, Bosch with Julius Sarkizian. (翻译:画廊里的安保录像 Bosch和Julius Sarkizian)

7. Cam, can we just be quiet until we get into the flow of traffic here? (翻译:Cam 我们能否安静一会儿 让我们先把车开出去 好吗?)

8. Cam 23, bottom left. We got it. (翻译:Cam 23, bottom left.)

9. For applications with a central locking CAM please contact DIRAK. (翻译:有关中心凸轮的用途,请与本公司联系。)

10. The restaurant where we had our first date... the sunset lighting that Cam loves. (翻译:我们第一次约会的餐厅 Cam最爱的日落...)

11. Since day one, we've been doing what's best for us. (翻译:Cam 从一开始 我们就做着各种对我们最好的选择)

12. The significance ofvariation in activity of Rubisco in strong CAM plants has (翻译:在强大的CAM植物的Rubisco活性有重要意义)

13. Okay, we are going to Cam right now, and she is cutting that thing out of your neck. (翻译:好吧 我们现在就去找Cam 把那东西从你脖子里弄出来)

14. Not receiving Cam 56 from Barakhambha. (翻译:不接受凸轮 56从Barakhambha。)

15. I hacked a traffic cam in d.C. (翻译:我黑了华盛顿的一个交通摄像头 那个心型一出现就会发出警报)

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