navigation tunnel是什么意思 navigation tunnel的中文翻译、读音、例句

navigation tunnel是什么意思 navigation tunnel的中文翻译、读音、例句

navigation tunnel通常被翻译为"航运隧道"的意思,在日常中也代表"航运隧道"的意思,在线发音:[navigationtunnel],navigation tunnel常被用作名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到31个与navigation tunnel相关的句子。

Navigation tunnel的词典翻译


例句:An embedded GPS is integrated with the navigation algorithm, to provide precise navigation solution. TNL16-GI performance (TNL-16GI采用Tamam先进高精确环形激光陀螺仪和加速计,在一个嵌入式GPS中集成导航算法,为客户提供精确的导航解决方案。)


navigation tunnel一般作为名词使用,如在navigation(航海 )、tunnel(隧道 )、digital navigation([航 水运] 数字导航)等常见短语中出现较多。

digital navigation[航 水运] 数字导航
direction navigation定向导航
Doppler navigation多普勒导航(仪表导航)
Duty of Navigation[网络] 航运义务
error in navigation[网络] 驾驶过失导航误差;航海上的过失
efficiency of navigation[网络] 航行效率
electronic navigation电子导航


1. The IBC primary navigation is dynamic. (翻译:IBC的主导航是动态的。)

2. We need a map of the tunnel. (翻译:我们需要一张地道的地图 We need a map of the tunnel.)

3. We gotta hit the tunnel the minute we get on the ground. (翻译:我们一到就要突击地道 We gotta hit the tunnel the minute we get on the ground.)

4. It messes with the navigation. (翻译:手机会干扰导航系统 {\3cH202020}It messes with the navigation.)

5. A lot of ricochet in a concrete tunnel. (翻译:在水泥隧道里开枪很容易跳弹 A lot of ricochet in a concrete tunnel.)

6. We must guard every tunnel! (翻译:我们必须封锁每条地道 We must guard every tunnel!)

7. Calm down and get in the tunnel. Calm down and get in the tunnel. (翻译:镇静点,镇静点,进隧道去 镇静点,镇静点,进隧道去)

8. The Victoria Park and the tunnel (翻译:维园里铸造了少年渴望, 隧道中刻出冲力坚刚 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}The Victoria Park and the tunnel)

9. Navigation data for self-driving cars, mobile medical imagery, all transmitting with no quality loss. (翻译:给自动驾驶车辆提供导航信息 Navigation data for self -driving cars, 移动设备上传输医学影像 mobile medical imagery,)

10. On the back there is scales and measurements for terrestrial navigation. (翻译:星盘的背后是刻度和测量仪器, 他们具有定位的功能。)

11. Dynamic Analysis the Groundwater of Daban Mountain Tunnel and Valuation the Function of the Tunnel (翻译:大坂山隧道地下水动态分析及对隧道作用评估)

12. The flooding tunnel is over that ridge. (翻译:翻过山脊就是导流洞了 The flooding tunnel is over that ridge.)

13. The Beidou navigation Satellite System has become the third GNSS applied in international navigation. (翻译:北斗导航系统成为第三个面向国际航海应用的全球卫星导航系统。)

14. It lies between Bopeep Tunnel and Hastings Tunnel. (翻译:它位于藏猫游戏隧道和黑斯廷斯隧道之间。)

15. On the back there is scales and measurements for terrestrial navigation. (翻译:星盘的背后是刻度和测量仪器, 他们具有定位的功能。)

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