negative outcome是什么意思 negative outcome的中文翻译、读音、例句

negative outcome是什么意思 negative outcome的中文翻译、读音、例句

negative outcome的中文解释是"消极后果、网络",还经常被翻译为负面影响,在线读音是[negativeoutcome],negative outcome来源于英语,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到20个与negative outcome相关的例句。

Negative outcome的翻译


例句:Like I can sabotage myself with my negative thinking. (就像这句 消极的想法会妨碍我 Like I can sabotage myself with my negative thinking.)

例句:There is only one outcome. (只会有一种结果 There is only one outcome.)


例句:Coagulase-negative staphylococci and gram-negative bacteria, such as Serratia spp. (凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌和革兰阴性菌,如雷氏菌。)


例句:Investing in the outcome means that you make the achievement of a particular outcome dependent for your well-being. (翻译:但是只投入结果意味着 你用特定的结果来衡量 是否幸福。)


negative outcome一般作为名词使用,如在outcome(结果 )、distinct outcome(不同的出象)、equivocal outcome(un. 未定结局\n[网络] 未定的结果)等常见短语中出现较多。

distinct outcome不同的出象
equivocal outcomeun. 未定结局\n[网络] 未定的结果
evaluation outcome评鉴成果
elementary outcome基本出象
event outcome事件结果
expected outcome期待结果
favorable outcome有利结果
final outcome最后结局


1. Coagulase-negative staphylococci and gram-negative bacteria, such as Serratia spp. (翻译:凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌和革兰阴性菌,如雷氏菌。)

2. Investing in the outcome means that you make the achievement of a particular outcome dependent for your well-being. (翻译:但是只投入结果意味着 你用特定的结果来衡量 是否幸福。)

3. That could be a possible outcome, Your Honor. (翻译:是有这个可能性的 法官大人 That could be a possible outcome, Your Honor.)

4. The outcome was still in doubt. (翻译:结果仍不确定。)

5. The outcome is by no means certain. (翻译:据我的经验,在这种环境下 你必须奋力求生)

6. They care about the outcome. They'd like an outcome as close to what they are interested in as possible. (翻译:他们重视结果,并尽可能的把最终决策 拉向对自己有利的方向)

7. Negative, American national 890. (翻译:美航890. 谢谢你的帮助。Negative, American National 890.)

8. - Give it a couple more minutes. (翻译:-Give it a couple more minutes. 不行 燃料快不够了 Negative.)

9. You know the outcome if a woman mistrust a man? (翻译:你知不知道一个女人 信错了男人的后果是什么?)

10. A nocebo effect is a negative outcome from expecting something negative to happen. (翻译:反安慰剂效应代表负面结果 因为预期产生负面现象)

11. A positive outcome is now a deal less than 15 years. (翻译:乐观来看能争取到少于xx年的刑期 A positive outcome is now a deal less than 15 years.)

12. Do I have to give him my negative? (翻译:那些底片怎么样? 还给他们? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Do I have to give him my negative?)

13. All readings were negative. (翻译:所有读数都不乐观 All readings were negative.)

14. I know you wish to affect the outcome, but it may be ... (翻译:我知道你希望能掌控结局 I know you wish to affect the outcome, 但是或许...)

15. We go through what happened and the negative of that, but there's another negative. (翻译:我们经历了所发生的,以及它阴暗的那面 但却还有另外一个负面阴暗面)

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