neillia thibetica是什么意思 neillia thibetica的中文翻译、读音、例句

neillia thibetica是什么意思 neillia thibetica的中文翻译、读音、例句

neillia thibetica的中文解释是"西康绣线梅",还有西康绣线梅的意思,读音为[neilliathibetica],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到30个与neillia thibetica相关的例句。

Neillia thibetica的词典翻译


例句:The first time I was late, Miss O'Neill excused me with the warning that she would not be so magnanimous the next time. (我第一次迟到时,奥尼尔小姐原谅了我,但她警告说下一次她就不会这么宽宏大量了。)


neillia thibetica一般作为名词使用,如在Neillia thibetica(n. 西康绣线梅)、Neillia(奈尔李属)、Faberia thibetica(n. 光滑花佩菊)等常见短语中出现较多。

Neillia thibetican. 西康绣线梅
Faberia thibetican. 光滑花佩菊
Linaria thibetican. 宽叶柳穿鱼
Paris thibetica[网络] 黑籽重楼
Sorbus thibetican. 康藏花楸;康藏花楸(蔷薇科)
Tofieldia thibetican. 岩菖蒲
Ypsilandra thibetican. 丫蕊花
Neillia affinisn. 川康绣线梅
Neillia gracilisn. 矮生绣线梅


1. Last night you thi well resolved inner struggle. (翻译:昨天晚上你氏 很好的解决内心的挣扎。我看到了。)

2. Thi... this is awful, but All I have is $43. (翻译:实在是太糟糕了 但是... 我只有四十三元)

3. It is pure AS Neill. (翻译:这是纯as尼尔的观点。)

4. Chu Thi Cay got money from the club to buy a cow. (翻译:Chu Thi Cay用从该俱乐部获得的资金购买了一头奶牛。)

5. Sergeants Zarkovich and O'Neill, from the East Chicago Police Department, and Agent Winstead will be at the Biograph, as will I. (翻译:芝加哥东区警署的札库维奇和奥尼尔警官 还有温斯特德探员盯守百图电影 我也是)

6. Holly, this is Lorcan O'Neill, a very old crony of mine. (翻译:霍利,这是洛肯奥尼尔,一个很老的裙带矿井。)

7. And as compared with CA RO membrane, the TiCA ROmembrane could be used at higher working temperature. (翻译:与醋酸纤维素膜相比较,钛醋酸纤维素膜可在较高温度下使用,具有一定的耐热性。)

8. This concentration of stre further accelerates cartilage wear with thi ing of outer layers and propagation of cracks and fi ures in the deeper layers. (翻译:集中的应有尽有力进一步加速外民支软骨磨损及变薄,也加速深层碎裂和裂隙的扩布。)

9. Indeed, the powerful American politician Tip O'Neill once said, "All politics is local." (翻译:确实,有一个权高望重的美国政治家 普奥内尔曾经说过 所有政治都只为当地服务 )

10. L-form of two strains derived from artificial induce in Yersinia enterocoli-tica. The serotype was O: 5, 27; (翻译:5株小肠结肠炎耶氏菌用人工诱导方法获得二株L型细菌,血清型为O:5,27;)

11. Grief hangs over the frail face of Bui Thi Me, a communist intellectual contemplating the deaths of three of her sons. (翻译:悲伤笼罩着我的裴氏,共产主义的知识分子考虑对她的三个儿子的死亡体弱的脸。)

12. Thi took the astral body and then blew you away, the way it was taken, and Dalton. (翻译:氏采取了灵体,然后吹你走的方式是采取和道尔顿。)

13. Ya can't let thi' 60-year-old family recipe end just lik' that! (翻译:有xx年历史的老店 总不能这样结束吧 靠我这毅力 难道不行吗 伯父)

14. Police were summoned. Hyman was released while Neill was handcuffed and taken away in a police car. (翻译:海曼得到释放,然而尼尔却被铐上手铐,由一辆警车带走了。)

15. Mr Hickey's view is poles apart from Jim o 'neill at Goldman Sachs. (翻译:赫基的观点与高盛集团的吉姆·奥尼尔的观点截然相反。)

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