neoliterates是什么意思 neoliterates的中文翻译、读音、例句

neoliterates是什么意思 neoliterates的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Morpheus described it as a "dreamworld," but unlike a dream, this world was not the creation of Neo's mind. (Morpheus将其形容为一个“梦幻世界”,但是和一个梦境有所不同,这个世界并不是Neo大脑的产物。)


例句:When he left the Moabs, he became a supremacist, neo-Nazi type. (当我离开Moabs,我成了一个至上主义,新纳粹的类型。)


1. Morpheus described it as a "dreamworld, " but unlike a dream, this world was not the creation of Neo's mind. (翻译:Morpheus将其形容为一个“梦幻世界”,但是和一个梦境有所不同,这个世界并不是Neo大脑的产物。)

2. The world today is neo-medieval, Mr Khanna believes. (翻译:肯纳先生认为当今世界进入了新中世纪时代。)

3. They are therefore part of an emanationist theory, like that of the kabbalah in the west, or neo - platonism. (翻译:因此它们是散发理论的一部分,像西方的卡巴拉或新柏拉图派哲学。)

4. Neo, please, I have a son, Jacob, aboard the Gnosis. (翻译:尼欧,拜托了,我有个孩子 他叫耶谷,在诺瓦西斯战舰上)

5. His neo-cell research failed. (翻译:他的新造细胞理论虽然可行 但是研究却没有成功)

6. We think it was a Neo-Marxist group that abducted you. (翻译:我们认为是一伙后马克思主义分子 绑架了你)

7. He says you must be lost. Are you lost Neo? (翻译:他说你一定是迷路了 你是不是迷路了,尼欧?)

8. A neo-pagan attends ecstatic ritual devoted to fire during the celebration of the Veles Day at the neo-pagan shrine of Svarog in the Bitsevski Wood in Moscow, Russia. (翻译:在俄罗斯莫斯科彼特塞夫斯基森林,人们搭起火神施瓦罗格的圣坛,在篝火旁狂欢,庆祝威勒斯节。)

9. They are the same: Nazis, neo-Nazis -- you can decide whether you want to put a "neo" there or not. (翻译:他们是一样的:纳粹,新纳粹—— 你可以决定是否要加“新”字在前面。)

10. Modern Neo-Mohism is a academic faction arising freshly. (翻译:现代新墨家是新近出现的一个学术派别。)

11. There are fields, Neo, endless fields where human beings are no longer born. (翻译:它们开发出一望无际的场地 人类不再从娘胎出生)

12. If you take pictures of exactly the same part of the sky but weeks apart then flip between them, find a starthas moved, it ain't a star, is an N.E.O. (翻译:如在不同时日拍摄同一片天空 用那些照片对比 若发现有光点移动 那不是星星,那是NEO)

13. Still, Yeomans admits that the NEO search will likely continue for the foreseeable future. (翻译:约曼斯表示,在可预知的未来,对近地小行星的探测研究仍然会继续下去。)

14. We're sending out a specialist team from ...N.E.O., our Near Earth Object Programme, to determine the source and composition of the impact object. (翻译:我们会派谴NEO的专家 NEO是近地天体研究中心的简称 专家队会分析 撞击物体的来源及成份)

15. Neo-Boudoir Art is the mainstream of contemporary female's painting in China. Xia Junna is one of the representatives of Neo-Boudoir Art. (翻译:新闺阁艺术是我国当代女性绘画的主流,夏俊娜是新闺阁艺术家的代表。)

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