neoleipothrix alnuse是什么意思 neoleipothrix alnuse的中文翻译、读音、例句

neoleipothrix alnuse是什么意思 neoleipothrix alnuse的中文翻译、读音、例句

neoleipothrix alnuse通常被翻译为"赤阳新离子节蜱"的意思,作为名词时有"赤阳新离子节蜱"的意思,在线读音是[neoleipothrixalnuse],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到33个与neoleipothrix alnuse相关的例句。

Neoleipothrix alnuse的词典翻译


例句:The attempt to blackball it is neo - McCarthyism. (试图阻止它的是一股新麦卡锡主义。)


neoleipothrix alnuse一般作为名词使用,如在neoleipothrix bambusae(竹新离子节蜱)、neoleipothrix leptae(三叉虎新离子节蜱)、neoleipothrix minutae(小叶桑新离子节蜱)等常见短语中出现较多。

neoleipothrix bambusae竹新离子节蜱
neoleipothrix leptae三叉虎新离子节蜱
neoleipothrix minutae小叶桑新离子节蜱
neoleipothrix multiflorus何首乌新离子节蜱
neoleipothrix repenus铺地黍新离子节蜱
neoleipothrix superbae木荷新离子节蜱
neoleipothrix virgatus乌皮九芎新离子节蜱


1. -ln under five minutes, Henry. (翻译:-给你5分钟 -总统 -ln under five minutes, Henry.)

2. If it were me, I would tell it. What's there to confess? (翻译:如果我知道我就会告诉你们 Je le serais, je vous le dirais.)

3. * porque no tienes, porque le falta * (翻译:* porque no tienes, porque le falta *)

4. You put the kid in the hay? (翻译:你把那小孩藏在干草里 Tu as mis le gamin dans le foin?)

5. - Title IX requires due process in campus allegations. (翻译:- 什么 - 第六条规定 校园指控仍然要走正当程序)

6. We need to find that New Navy and pay them back. (翻译:我们要把NEO海军找出来 好好还礼才行啊)

7. No, the man reading is SUH In-ha. (翻译:不, 正在读书的是 SUH ln -ha.)

8. In the fiercest confrontation of the year, casualties are mounting on both sides. (翻译:LN 今年 最激烈的 对抗, 伤亡 安装在 两侧。)

9. In summer huts are wild forest fire. (翻译:ln summer huts are wild forest fire. 在夏季 棚屋是森林的火种)

10. Your parents died, and you're two years older than In-ha. (翻译:你的父母死了, 你比 ln -ha 大两岁.)


12. Some of these IPOs may have been done mainly to feed the ego of the CEO, and that sets up the perfect conditions for fraud. (翻译:有些这样的IPO的目的可能仅仅是满足CEO的虚荣心,而这样的IPO为之后的舞弊建立了完美的环境。)

13. The favorite of Maman. The little clown of Papa. (翻译:妈妈的儿子 爸爸的小丑 Le fils à sa maman, le petit clown à son papa,)

14. A sack of whiskey made in le Scotland le velvet of le stomach. (翻译:一瓶威士忌 苏格兰产的 口感倍儿棒 沁人心脾)

15. I know a lot about your family. MAN: (翻译:Miss Malfete, this is Francois le Combier.)

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