mechanic helper通常被翻译为"机械工助理"的意思,在日常中也代表"机械工助理"的意思,发音音标为[mechanichelper],mechanic helper来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到75个与mechanic helper相关的句子。
Mechanic helper的释义
例句:You'll need a mechanic against Curtiss. (再说 如果跟卡地士对上了 一个专业的机械师是必备的)
mechanic helper一般作为名词使用,如在helper(n. 帮忙者, 有益的东西\n[机] 助手)、mechanic(机械师 )、diver helper([网络] 潜水员助手)等常见短语中出现较多。
helper | n. 帮忙者, 有益的东西\n[机] 助手 |
mechanic | 机械师 |
diver helper | [网络] 潜水员助手 |
helper application | 帮助器应用程序 |
helper cell | 协助细胞 |
helper cells | 辅助细胞;协助细胞 |
helper dog | [网络] 辅助犬 |
helper drive | [化] 辅助传动 |
helper engine | 辅助机车 |
1. You, stick around and be my helper. (翻译:你呢... 就待在这吧 留下来当我的助手)
2. All the more reason to consult with a mechanic before it explodes. (翻译:那更有必要 在它爆炸之前找个修理工看看了)
3. Why don't you give the inlays to the mechanic? (翻译:你为什么不补牙的工作交给技工呢? )
4. Both helper and cytotoxic t cells are stimulated by platelets. (翻译:辅助和细胞毒t细胞均能被血小板激活。)
5. So then why auto mechanic for 200 bucks a week? (翻译:为什么后来做了每周200刀的汽车修理工? 没有原因)
6. He was a mechanic... and a wannabe stunt driver. (翻译:他是个技工 He was a mechanic... 一心想做个特技车手 and a wannabe stunt driver.)
7. He told me he was a medic in the war, not a mechanic. (翻译:他告诉过我 在非核战中他只是医生 不是机械师)
8. In most cases, the elevator mechanic will arrive in 30 minutes (翻译:在大多数情况下,机械 电梯是在30分钟内。没有危险 我按下紧急按钮)
9. A little "Manburger Helper" may have crossed your mind already. (翻译:a little manburger helper may have crossed your mind already.)
10. Hook up with a mechanic from a family of mechanics? (翻译:和机械工家和技工儿子交往吗 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}hook up with a mechanic from a family of mechanics?)
11. A helper that I've hired will be waiting for you. (翻译:该雇用的帮助是我 等着你。他是我最好的朋友。)
12. And do you call the mechanic "Marchionne" ? (翻译:马尔乔内: 菲亚特汽车集团CEO 是不是修车小伙子就叫马尔乔内?)
13. I'm a mechanic, for cryin' out loud. (翻译:你能让你家老头子思考一下吗? You wanna give your old man a break?)
14. Table 2. Simplifications of the usermode-helper API. (翻译:表2 . usermode - helper API的简化。)
15. He drives into a garage. He says to the mechanic: (翻译:他边开车边决定到前面修车 他走下车对修车师傅说)