nephrops norvegicuss是什么意思 nephrops norvegicuss的中文翻译、读音、例句

nephrops norvegicuss是什么意思 nephrops norvegicuss的中文翻译、读音、例句

nephrops norvegicuss的中文解释是"网络、的复数",在英美地区还有"挪威龙虾"的意思,发音是[nephropsnorvegicuss],nephrops norvegicuss在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到50个与nephrops norvegicuss相关的句子。

Nephrops norvegicuss的中文翻译

例句:They control that from the special ops room. (控制器在特别操作室 They control that from the special ops room.)


例句:Objective To screen bait for the control of Rattus flavipectus and Rattus norvegicus. (目的为控制黄胸鼠和褐家鼠,筛选配制毒饵所用的基饵及工具捕捉用诱饵。)


例句:Ourjob at Psy Ops is to blunt the enemy's will to fight. (心理作战训练学校任务是降低军人的战斗意愿)


例句:The ops center and the armory are understaffed. (翻译:OPS中心和武器库人手不够。)


nephrops norvegicuss一般作为名词使用,如在Nephrops([网络] 海螯虾;海螯虾属;龙虾)、rattus norvegicuss([医] 褐鼠, 沟鼠\n(rattus norvegicus 的复数))、genus Nephrops([网络] Nephrops属)等常见短语中出现较多。

Nephrops[网络] 海螯虾;海螯虾属;龙虾
rattus norvegicuss[医] 褐鼠, 沟鼠\n(rattus norvegicus 的复数)
genus Nephrops[网络] Nephrops属
Nephrops norvegicus[网络] 挪威海螯虾;挪威龙虾


1. Ourjob at Psy Ops is to blunt the enemy's will to fight. (翻译:心理作战训练学校任务是降低军人的战斗意愿)

2. The ops center and the armory are understaffed. (翻译:OPS中心和武器库人手不够。)

3. your fiercest, and your most talented. (翻译:最ne? nfricati, 和最有才华的。)

4. That's οne lοw sοdium, and οne healthy heart meal, right? (翻译:嗯,两个特别餐一个低盐,一个健康餐,对吧?)

5. Special Ops Patrol Charlie, ETA? (翻译:- 是特别巡逻队的查理吗? - 救援什么时候到达?)

6. PHR is calling for an official investigation into the role of doctors in the CIA's now widely discredited programme. (翻译:PHR呼吁对医生在中情局现在名誉扫地的计划中所起的作用进行一次官方调查。)

7. Effects and Baits Adaptability of the Anticoagulant Rodenticides to Rattus norvegicus in Laboratory in Guiyang (翻译:抗凝血灭鼠剂对贵阳市褐家鼠的毒效实验室效果)

8. So don't mess up, or you'll mess with me. (翻译:Ne le rate pas. 否则我可不会放过你 Sinon, moi, je ne te raterais pas.)

9. Adv. phr. in spite of appearances; actually. (翻译:尽管外表如此;实际上。)

10. I repeat, Thunder Ops, this is Gunmetal 2-5. (翻译:我重复的,雷电 Ops, 这是炮铜 2 -5。)

11. Water content of organs in Rattus norvegicus are lowest in summer and highest in winter. (翻译:含水量夏季最低,冬季最高;脏器指数不存在两性差异;)

12. not allowed to run night ops. (翻译:各位,我不得不呼叫总部了,我们不被允许夜间飞行。)

13. Roger, Thunder Ops, this is Gunmetal 2-5. (翻译:罗杰,雷电 Ops,这是炮铜 2 -5.)

14. All that is wrong All that's not going well (翻译:所有不好的事情发生 Tout ce qui ne va pas, ce qui ne tourne pas rond)

15. It smells nothing and you feel nothing. (翻译:无味无痛 非常棒 Ça ne sent rien et on ne sent rien. Très bon produit.)


nephrops norvegicuss作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、nephrops、norvegicus/1、s等。

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