neugynova是什么意思 neugynova的中文翻译、读音、例句

neugynova是什么意思 neugynova的中文翻译、读音、例句

经查询,似乎'neugynova'并不是一个常见或标准的英文单词或词组。根据猜测,可能是作者误用或打错了字母。 因此,无法从至少3个方面展开说明,并且无法提供相应的中英例句。如有其他问题,请提供更多上下文或信息以便更好地回答。




例句:Would you like to tell the ladies and gentlemen what happened to your Nova? (你愿不愿意告诉各位 Would you like to tell the ladies and gentlemen 你的Nova到底是怎么回事? what happened to your Nova?)


1. I might be eroeeh gy right enm. (翻译:八十七磅啊 I might be eroeeh gy right enm.)

2. The agreement says Nova Investment needs 60% ownership in order to sell. (翻译:协议规定Nova投资公司要有六成的股权才能出售)

3. I took the Bossa Nova triplets to Cocoa Beach. (翻译:我带着那三个狂歌热舞 的女孩到可可海滩去了)

4. Model GY Series are "Linear Displacement Transducers" employing magnetostrictive phenomena, especially the Wiedemann effect. (翻译:型号GY系列是“线性位移传感器”聘用磁致伸缩现象,特别是蝇效果。)

Mark不能在这里见你, 他在Nova Scotia拍片。)

6. The damper valve uses the product of NEU company in French. (翻译:风阀执行器采用法国NEU公司的产品。)

7. Charles Westmoreland was the proud owner of a '65 Chevy Nova. (翻译:查尔斯·韦斯特莫兰德很荣幸的 是一辆xx年产雪佛莱的主人 {\3cH202020}Charles Westmoreland was the proud owner of a 65 Chevy Nova)

8. We have to bring this to the Nova Corps. (翻译:我们得把这个交给新星军团 We have to bring this to the Nova Corps.)

9. Peptide Mapping Analysis of Recombinant Human Neu Epitope Peptide 12 by Pepsin Digestion (翻译:重组人纽表位肽12的胃蛋白酶切肽图分析方法的研究)

10. Oh, I love my little Nova. (翻译:哦,我爱我的小Nova。这车只关乎简洁,轻量 Oh, I love my little Nova.)

11. The sky in it reminds me of growing up in Nova Scotia. (翻译:天空看起来常让我想起小时候 在新斯科舍长大的地方)

12. - They saw another nova and drew that? (翻译:可能他们那时也看到了一颗超新星 然后画了下来)

13. Bossa Nova, New Cinema, a new capital city. (翻译:波萨诺瓦音乐,新电影运动,一个新的首都。Bossa Nova, New Cinema, a new capital city.)

14. The only reason I let you live... is if I can get something from you. (翻译:唯一的理由\ NEU让你活着 是,如果我能得到\对一些事情你。)

15. In September of '72, Sasha met Starik In nova Scotia. (翻译:在xx年的xx月 沙萨和斯达利克在新斯科舍见过面)

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