mechanostat是什么意思 mechanostat的中文翻译、读音、例句

mechanostat是什么意思 mechanostat的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Kami realized blearily that he was being borne along to the clanking of mecha. (卡米朦胧地意识到自己正被哐当作响的机甲携带着前进。)


1. The mechatronics unit ensures that this takes place fast and accurately on a level that would not be possible manually. (翻译:MECHA装置确保这样快而准的执行在一个手动是不可能的级别水平。)

2. With all the childless couples yearning in vain for a license our little Mecha will not only open up a completely new market but it will fill a great human need (翻译:对于没有小孩的夫妻来说 这机器小孩不但能开发新市场 也能满足人类的需求)

3. The universally-adopted Mecha... the basis for hundreds of models serving the human race... in all the multiplicity of daily life (翻译:也就是全球通用的机器人 总共推出数百种型号 为人类的日常生活服务)

4. Exactly. We have our own ship, our own mecha, but we must have our own weapons. (翻译:正是。我们有自己的船、自己的机甲,们必须还要有自己的武器。)

5. Gloval and the bridge crew turned to face the front bays: The Martian sky was filled with enemy mecha. (翻译:格罗弗和舰桥的其他成员回身面向火线:在火星的天空中布满了仇人的战斗呆板。)

6. "I'll take you, " a female voice rose up from the group of mecha pilots that had gathered round. (翻译:“我带你去。”她们周围已经聚集了一圈飞行员,一个女声从中响起。)

7. Finally, we have used DTA technique to approach the action mecha... (翻译:最后应用差热分析方法对硫化镉的作用机理作了初步的探讨。)

8. A Mecha Bone is like a battery that gives Yatterwan energy to produce mini-mechas! (翻译:机器素就是小双侠 体内做成的小型的机器 的能源)

9. Outside the base, members of the Skull Squadron and the Wolff Pack were beginning to prepare a second mecha for lift. (翻译:基地外面,骷髅中队和沃尔夫战队正准备第二架飞机的升空。)

10. I believe that my work on mapping the impulse pathways in a single neurone... can enable us to construct... a Mecha of a qualitatively different order (翻译:我相信我在... 单神经元的脉冲传输研究 能够让我们制造一个...)

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