nigidius acutangulus是什么意思 nigidius acutangulus的中文翻译、读音、例句

nigidius acutangulus是什么意思 nigidius acutangulus的中文翻译、读音、例句

nigidius acutangulus的中文解释是"姬角葫芦锹形虫",还经常被翻译为姬牛角锹形虫,发音音标为[nigidiusacutangulus],nigidius acutangulus在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到74个与nigidius acutangulus相关的句子。

Nigidius acutangulus的翻译


例句:How many are there of us here? (How many are there of us here?)


例句:Is that supposed to make us easier to cut? (Is that supposed to make us easier to cut? 这是为了容易请我们走路?)


nigidius acutangulus一般作为名词使用,如在nigidius baeri(兰屿角葫芦锹形虫;兰屿牛角锹形虫)、plesiotrochus acutangulus(千草蟹守螺)等常见短语中出现较多。

nigidius baeri兰屿角葫芦锹形虫;兰屿牛角锹形虫
plesiotrochus acutangulus千草蟹守螺


1. The cake will be delicious The festivities first-rate (翻译:So help us celebrate)

2. You've made it, now make way for us! (翻译:now make way for us!)

3. Vampires for Jesus, throwing blood on us? (翻译:throwing blood on us?)

4. Uncle Yung brought us to that (翻译:Uncle Yung brought us to that)

5. Let's eat, the food is ready for us. (翻译:the food is ready for us.)

6. Some of us will dream it forever (翻译:Some of us will dream it forever)

7. And Pathe wants us to cut records (翻译:百代公司又要跟我们灌录唱片 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}And Pathe wants us to cut records)

8. - Yep, are you coming with us? (翻译:are you coming with us?)

9. - You promised to help us. (翻译:- Help us, Max. - You promised to help us.)

10. That doesn't mean anything. (翻译:More croutons for us!)

11. The US wants to see us fail. (翻译:美国期待着我们失败 The US wants to see us fail.)

12. -Okay, you want to take us in? (翻译:you want to take us in?)

13. They are always finding us! (翻译:They are always finding us!)

14. - At least you two are OK. (翻译:- And they were waiting for us.)

15. [music]... tempestuous sea [music] Guard us, guide us [music] Keep us, feed us [music] For we have no help but thee [music] Yet possessing [music] Every blessing (翻译:[music]... tempestuous sea [music] Guard us, guide us)

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