noccundra是什么意思 noccundra的中文翻译、读音、例句

noccundra是什么意思 noccundra的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:He got in a position to buy our NOC list. (由一个被称作麦克斯的捷克人发出的 他就是要购买 欧州特工 名单的人)


例句:Xiaojie Cu-Au deposit is an important deposit type in Huidong region. (小街铜金矿是会东地区一种重要的成矿类型。)


例句:Stick Dance (Jocul cu bata), Romanian Folk Dances, for orchestra No. 1. (棍舞,为管弦乐队而作的罗马尼亚民间舞蹈第1首。)


noccundra一般作为名词使用,如在Noccundra([地名] 诺坎德拉 ( 澳 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Noccundra[地名] 诺坎德拉 ( 澳 )


1. Stick Dance (Jocul cu bata), Romanian Folk Dances, for orchestra No. 1. (翻译:棍舞,为管弦乐队而作的罗马尼亚民间舞蹈第1首。)

2. A CU typically represents the text and data contributed to an executable by a single relocatable object file. (翻译:CU 通常表示由单个可重新定位的对象文件带来可执行文件的文本和数据。)

3. Bolivia, meanwhile, cannot decide whether it wants an NOC at all. (翻译:同时,玻利维亚未能决定是否需要一家石油国企。)

4. For security reasons, the NOC list is divided in two. (翻译:出于安全原因, 欧州特工 名单是分成两份的)

5. Isolation, Purification and Trait of Cu, Zn SODs in Tobacco Leaves (翻译:烟叶铜锌超氧化物歧化酶的分离、纯化与性质)

6. Project of risk prospecting and cooperation of Cu ore at Kalaquha of Qiemo County (翻译:且末县喀拉曲哈铜矿风险勘查与合作开发项目)

7. Bottom application of CU could significantly increase the grain yield, AE, and PFP of maize, compared with side-dressing CU. (翻译:与控释尿素侧施相比,底施对玉米产量、AE和PFP的增加效果更显著。)

8. You NOC types think you can just come in here and ignore all kinds of protocol, don't you? (翻译:你们这群特工自以为能在这里 横行无忌藐视规章 是吧)

9. No Owen Elliot on personnel or NOC lists. (翻译:-018 欧文・艾略特 蒙特利尔 人事名单和影子卧底名单上都没有这个人)

10. The solution of Cu2+ and citrate could generate ·OH under mercury light. (翻译:铜离子与柠檬酸钠溶液混合在光照下能产生氢氧自由基; )

11. The multi-core processor using such NoC architecture can obtain high communication efficiency and memory utilization ratio. (翻译:基于该架构的多核处理器可以获得更高的通信效率及存储器利用率。)

12. Effect of Cu-nicotinate on growth performance and blood biochemical indices in piglets (翻译:烟酸铜对仔猪生产性能及血液生化指标的影响)

13. Study on Applicability of Effective Medium Approximation to Optical Properties of Cu-MgF (翻译:有效介质近似在Cu-MgF复合纳米颗粒薄膜光学性质中的适用性研究)

14. I deliver the NOC list to Max, Max delivers Job to me. (翻译:如果我按照预料的 把 欧州特工 名单交给了麦克斯 麦克斯已经同意了把约伯交给我)

15. Come on, you're not NOC. You're here under your real name. (翻译:少来 你又不是海洋委员会的,你是因为你的真名才到这儿的)

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