medial femoral fascia是什么意思 medial femoral fascia的中文翻译、读音、例句

medial femoral fascia是什么意思 medial femoral fascia的中文翻译、读音、例句

medial femoral fascia的意思是"内股肌膜",在英美地区还有"内股肌膜"的意思,发音音标为[medialfemoralfascia],medial femoral fascia在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到36个与medial femoral fascia相关的例句。

Medial femoral fascia的释义


例句:Specimens of cartilage were harvested from right femoral condyles. (取右膝股骨髁关节标本。)


medial femoral fascia一般作为名词使用,如在femoral(股骨的 )、medial(中间的 )、fascia(筋膜 )等常见短语中出现较多。

endothoracic femoral臀肌膜
femoral arteries股动脉
femoral arteriography股动脉造影
femoral arteriotomy股动脉剖开术
femoral artery股动脉
femoral articulation髋关节


1. The effects of medial hamstring lengthening on gait in patients with diplegic cerebral palsy (翻译:内侧腘绳肌延长术对痉挛性双侧脑瘫步态的影响)

2. No bone, nowhere near the femoral artery. (翻译:子弹只是穿了过去,没伤你的筋也没动你的骨)

3. To compare the creep nature of femoral head between normal and osteonecrosis femoral head, to provide biomechanical parameters for clinic. (翻译:比较正常股骨头和股骨头坏死后股骨头的蠕变性质,为临床应用提供生物力学参数。)

4. Objective To report an approach for removing the medial type of thalamic gliomas. (翻译:目的探讨一种切除内侧型丘脑胶质瘤的手术入路。)

5. Fascia 300mm(H) standard fascia board with booth number and exhibitor's name in both Chinese and English. (翻译:公司招牌参展商中英文名称及摊位号码招牌。)

6. Objective: to study the femoral offset and its relationship with femoral collo-diaphyseal Angle and torsion Angle. (翻译:目的:探讨股骨偏心距测量数据及其与股骨颈干角、股骨颈扭转角相关性。)

7. Damage to the femoral neurovascular bundle is a potential complication of the DAA. (翻译:股血管神经束损伤是前入路的一个潜在并发症。)

8. Timothy Cole bled to death of a severed femoral artery. (翻译:提摩西 科尔由于股动脉破裂,失血过多死去.)

9. The curved screw at the femoral calcar was found in the experimental side. (翻译:有一只山羊实验侧螺纹钉出现弯曲,为股骨距处螺钉。)

10. Results Under laparoscope lateral conal fascia continues from the fascia of quadratus lumborum at its lateral border. (翻译:结果腹腔镜下可清晰观察到侧锥筋膜和融合筋膜。)

11. The posterior renal fascia composed of superficial layer(lateral conal fascia) and the deep one(posterior lamella). (翻译:肾后筋膜分两层,包括侧锥筋膜和肾筋膜后叶。)

12. In medial, lateral side and dorsal of hands, the deep fascia is thiner, and the central part is thicker. (翻译:手掌内、侧部和背部的深筋膜较薄,掌心部深筋膜较厚。)

13. The superficial and deep fascia over the sartorius muscle are divided, medial to the tensor fascia lata muscle. (翻译:分离缝匠肌表面的浅深筋膜,达到阔筋膜张肌的内侧。)

14. The dominant metastatic focus was blastic, involving the medial cuneiform. (翻译:占主导地位的转移重点是急,涉及内侧楔形文字。)

15. The anterior approach utilizes the interval between the sartorius and tensor fascia. (翻译:前方入路利用了缝匠肌和阔筋膜张肌之间的间隙。)

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