medial ligament在英语中代表"内侧韧带"的意思,还经常被翻译为内侧韧带,单词读音音标为[medialligament],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到61个与medial ligament相关的例句。
Medial ligament的中文翻译
例句:Results The sulcus of medial epicondyle of femur could be identified on CT images of over 80% osteoarthritic knees; (结果病例组80%以上膝关节CT图像显示股骨内上髁陷凹; )
medial ligament一般作为名词使用,如在medial(中间的 )、medial / lateral(内侧的/外侧的{注:解剖的相对方向})、medial accent(中间重音)等常见短语中出现较多。
medial | 中间的 |
medial / lateral | 内侧的/外侧的{注:解剖的相对方向} |
medial accent | 中间重音 |
medial alligation | 中间混和法 |
medial area | 中域 |
medial arteriosclerosis | [医] 动脉中层硬化 |
medial axis | [机 数] 中轴 |
medial bed | [机] 中床身 |
medial border | [解剖] 内侧缘 |
medial branch | 内侧支 |
1. Effects of Inhibition of Estrogen Synthesis on Chicken Sexual Behavior and Medial Preoptic Nucleus (翻译:鸡性分化前抑制雌激素合成对性行为和视前内侧核的影响)
2. ConclusionEnlarged medial approach is an ideal way of surgery for closed popliteal artery trauma. (翻译:结论扩大内侧入路是治疗闭合性腘动脉损伤的理想手术入路。)
3. Injection in exterior OMN affected little parts of medial longitudinal fasciculus and OMN. (翻译:注射到动眼神经核的外部累及内侧纵束和动眼神经核的少部分。)
4. The framework of the nasal tip is formed by the medial middle, and lateral crura of the lower lateral cartilages. (翻译:鼻尖支架结构由下外侧软骨的内侧脚、中间脚和外侧脚构成。)
5. The small dorsal region of the medial part of the muscle was also innervated by a branch of the deep peroneal nerve. (翻译:小背内侧区域的一部分,也支配肌肉的一个分支腓深神经。)
6. RESULTS: Both medial and inferior calcaneal nerve could be identified in all 36 specimens. (翻译:结果:36条标本中均存在跟内侧神经和跟下神经。)
7. An incision extending medial to lateral through the lateral crus separating the lateral crus into a superior and an inferior portion. (翻译:由内向外延伸的切口,穿过外侧脚并将之分为上下两个部分。)
8. Instead it has four different letter forms: initial, medial, isolated and final. (翻译:它有四种不同的字母形式: 首字母、中间字母、尾字母和独立字母。)
9. still have steel pin here, steel pin here, little medial collateral damage. (翻译:还有钢钉在这儿, 这儿也有, 小的一般的间接伤害.)
10. So the reversed transposition of muscle flap pedicled with medial half of soleus could be designed. (翻译:从而设计出比目鱼肌内侧半肌瓣逆行转位的新术式。)
11. The mamillo- thalamic projections arised from either the medial mammillary nucleus or the lateral mammillary nucleus. (翻译:内侧部投射到同侧的丘脑前内侧核及前腹核。)
12. Periocular basal cell carcinoma is most commonly found on the lower eyelid and medial canthus. (翻译:基底细胞癌好发于下眼睑及内眼眦。)
13. The dominant metastatic focus was blastic, involving the medial cuneiform. (翻译:占主导地位的转移重点是急,涉及内侧楔形文字。)
14. Do an arteries-to-veins fistula, where the medial wall of the aorta and the pulmonary artery adhere. (翻译:在中间大动脉和肺动脉的连接处 做一根连接动脉和静脉的瘘管)
15. Sanyinjiao: 3-inch straight tip of medial malleolus, posterior tibial Department. (翻译:三阴交:内踝尖直上3寸,胫骨后缘处。)