node listing是什么意思 node listing的中文翻译、读音、例句

node listing是什么意思 node listing的中文翻译、读音、例句

node listing的意思是"节点列表",还有节点列表的意思,在线发音:[nodelisting],node listing在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到19个与node listing相关的例句。

Node listing的词典翻译


例句:But when sentinel lymph node came into our treatment protocol, the surgeon basically looks for the single node that is the first draining lymph node of the cancer. (但是按照我们治疗 前哨淋巴结的方案, 手术医生会首先寻找单个的, 肿瘤首先损害的淋巴结。)


node listing一般作为名词使用,如在node(结节 )、OR node([计] 或节点)、directory listing([计] 目录列表)等常见短语中出现较多。

OR node[计] 或节点
directory listing[计] 目录列表
dual listing[经] 证券在不只一个市场上市
edge listing[计] 边列表法, 边编目法
error listing故障列表
exclusive listing[经] 独家代理
exempt listing上市豁免
export listing出口商品目录


1. Effects: Unlinks the leftmost node from the tree, and updates the header link to the new leftmost node. (翻译:作用:断开树的最左节点的链接并将头节点链接到新的最左节点。)

2. Along with the testing task , there would also be an instruction to return whatever primes a subsidiary node discovered to the lead node . (翻译:伴随测试任务一起执行的,还有一个将辅助节点发现的任何素数返回给首节点的指令。)

3. Consider the snippet in Listing 1. (翻译:可以考虑清单1中的代码片段。)

4. Deploy the RAR on each node. (翻译:在每个节点上部署RAR。)

5. Chapter two points out the principle of OBS, network node structure includes core node and edge node. (翻译:第二章对光突发网络的基本原理、网络节点结构,包括核心节点和边缘节点进行了叙述。)

6. Listing 10 clarifies the point. (翻译:清单10证明了这一点。)

7. The tree is traversed to check if the node adjoins any other node in the tree with respect to the address. (翻译:在树中移动,检查此节点是否与树中的任何节点地址相邻。)

8. The other node and the other ship are mine. (翻译:The other node and the other ship are mine. 剩下的燃料和另一艘船归我)

9. And then if that node has cancer, the woman would go on to get the axillary lymph node dissection. (翻译:如果那个淋巴结有肿瘤 妇女才会继续 进行腋淋巴结切除手术。)

10. Now RSS node is up and running! (翻译:现在 RSS 节点已经启动并运行! )

11. When the offset is equal to the length of this node, the new node has no data. (翻译:当位移等于这个节点的长度时,新节点就没有资料。)

12. Probably the most useful tool for Node.js right now is NPM, the node package manager. (翻译:现在对Node . js来说最有用的工具也许是Node包管理器npm。)

13. Recall that Oracle will attempt to obtain an approximately equal number of physical connections from rac-node1 and rac-node2. (翻译:如上所述,Oracle将尝试从rac-node1和rac-node2中获取大致相同的物理连接数。)

14. When evaluating the modification function at a node, all of the parent-node traversals are on the stack. (翻译:在对一个节点的修改函数求值时,所有父节点的遍历都将进入堆栈。)

15. The Add Item defines what kind of node to insert by essentially cloning the last node in the structure. (翻译:AddItem通过实际上克隆结构中的最后一个节点以定义插入节点的类型。)

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