nominingue是什么意思 nominingue的中文翻译、读音、例句

nominingue是什么意思 nominingue的中文翻译、读音、例句

'nominingue' 翻译成中文是“诺明尼格”,是加拿大魁北克省的一个小镇名。这个词语没有其他的特殊用法,只是用来指代这个地名。

以下是 'nominingue' 在不同语言中的相关例句:

1. Français: J'ai passé mes vacances d'été à Nominingue l'année dernière. (我去年暑假在诺明尼格度过了假期。)

2. English: Nominingue is a small town in Quebec. (诺明尼格是魁北克省的一个小镇。)

3. Español: ¿Has visitado alguna vez Nominingue en Canadá? (你有没有在加拿大访问过诺明尼格?)

4. Deutsch: Das kleine Dorf Nominingue liegt in der Provinz Québec. (小村庄诺明尼格位于魁北克省。)

5. Italiano: Nominingue è una piccola città del Quebec. (诺明尼格是魁北克省的一个小城市。)

6. Português: Nominingue é uma pequena cidade em Quebec. (诺明尼格是魁北克省的一个小城镇。)

7. 日本語: ノミニングはケベック州の小さな町です。 (诺明尼格是魁北克省的一个小镇。)




例句:Your letter continues mining this Hobbesian vein. (你的信件则在继续挖掘这一霍布斯哲学的传统。)


例句:O/d money, b/ue b/ooded, society sweethearts (坐拥万贯家财 承袭贵族血统 是上流社会的宠儿)


例句:Select and manage the mining subcontractor, ensure that the mining work comply with lafarge standards in terms of quality and safety. (参与选择并管理采矿分包商,确保采矿作业在安全和质量方面都符合拉法基的标准。)


nominingue一般作为名词使用,如在Nominingue([地名] 诺米南格 ( 加 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Nominingue[地名] 诺米南格 ( 加 )


1. Select and manage the mining subcontractor, ensure that the mining work comply with lafarge standards in terms of quality and safety. (翻译:参与选择并管理采矿分包商,确保采矿作业在安全和质量方面都符合拉法基的标准。)

2. UE: Parachute. We have to open a parachute just seconds before, I would say, impact. (翻译:UE: 降落伞。我们必须在, 用我的话来说,“撞击”的前几秒钟内打开降落伞。)

3. UE: The purest and the best feeling would be with only goggles. (翻译:UE: 最美好,最纯粹的飞行感觉是只戴飞行眼镜。)

4. The Senate has been informed... that Jedha was destroyed in a mining disaster. (翻译:我们已经通知参议院 The Senate has been informed... 杰达完全毁于采矿事故 that Jedha was destroyed in a mining disaster.)

5. The crates are created with sculpt tools inside UE4. (翻译:板条箱是在UE4中用雕刻工具完成。)

6. Strip mining deforms the landscape. (翻译:露天开采毁掉了风景。)

7. Objective To investigate the CT and MRI manifestations of encephalo -facial angiomatosis and to evaluate their clinical val -ue. (翻译:目的探讨脑颜面血管瘤病的CT和MRI表现,并评价其临床应用价值。)

8. This is the beginning of longwall mining. (翻译:这是长壁开采的开始。)

9. UE: No, smoke is for two reasons, you can see the speed, you can see the way where I was flying. (翻译:UE: 不危险,烟雾有两个作用, 你可以从烟雾来估测飞行速度,你同样可以 看见我的飞行轨迹。)

10. UE: Parachute. We have to open a parachute just seconds before, I would say, impact. (翻译:UE: 降落伞。我们必须在, 用我的话来说,“撞击”的前几秒钟内打开降落伞。)

11. Cancelled the agreement with Hanna Mining Corporation, a multinational mining company, and signed the rural act. (翻译:取消与汉纳矿业公司,一家跨国矿业公司的协议, Cancelled the agreement with Hanna Mining Corporation, 并签署了农村法案。a muItinational mining company, and signed the rural act.)

12. Once an investment banking company agrees to market a bond or a stock i ue, it takes full re o ibility for selling the i ue. (翻译:投资银行是公司与投资者之间的中介人,他一旦同意承销一家公司的债券或股票,它就要承担包销的责任。)

13. New Carter products, mining roadheader, with very high working efficiency, and good safety feature, obtain the aim of mining mechanization. (翻译:新产品掘进机工作效率高、全性能好,实现了采掘机械化。)

14. UE: No, smoke is for two reasons, you can see the speed, you can see the way where I was flying. (翻译:UE: 不危险,烟雾有两个作用, 你可以从烟雾来估测飞行速度,你同样可以 看见我的飞行轨迹。)

15. UE: The purest and the best feeling would be with only goggles. (翻译:UE: 最美好,最纯粹的飞行感觉是只戴飞行眼镜。)

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