mediate amputation是什么意思 mediate amputation的中文翻译、读音、例句

mediate amputation是什么意思 mediate amputation的中文翻译、读音、例句

mediate amputation通常被翻译为"医"的意思,在英美地区还有"中间期切断术"的意思,在线读音是[mediateamputation],mediate amputation来源于英语,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到66个与mediate amputation相关的例句。

Mediate amputation的翻译


例句:They think nothing of calling social services to try and mediate one of the many arguments that broke out. (而他们一家从未想过要找这些部门, 来调解他们家庭的矛盾。)


例句:One of the questions that we've confronted is: What signals in the brain mediate the sensation of reward? (在我们遭遇到的问题中有一个 是,大脑用什么样的信号来代表奖励的感觉呢? )


mediate amputation一般作为名词使用,如在mediate(中间的)、mediate on(沉思;深思;思考(问题))、amputation(截肢 )等常见短语中出现较多。

mediate on沉思;深思;思考(问题)
inference of mediate间接推论
mediate agglutination[医] 间接愈合
mediate auscultation[医] 间接听诊
mediate between在…之间调解〔调停〕
mediate contact[医] 间接接触
mediate contagion[医] 间接触染


1. Have you scheduled an amputation for the rest of her leg? (翻译:你有没有安排帮她剩余的腿部进行截肢 Have you scheduled an amputation for the rest of her leg?)

2. After her amputation, Patou continued to live cancer-free for nearly four years. (翻译:截肢之后,帕图过了近xx年没有癌症的生活。)

3. Surgery is reserved for nerve decompression, abscess incision and drainage, tenodesis, cosmetic repair, and amputation. (翻译:手术疗法旨在对神经减压、切开排脓或引流脓液、固定肌腱、美容修复、截肢。)

4. Background: Pantalar arthrodesis is considered by many to be the final operative option before amputation for the treatment of paralytic foot deformities. (翻译:背景:距下关节融合被许多人认为是治疗麻痹足畸形继截肢治疗前最后的手术选择。)

5. An independent body was brought in to mediate between staff and management. (翻译:由一个独立机构介入,在劳资之间进行调解。)

6. But it's also worth noting that cells also mediate our experience of life. (翻译:同样值得注意的是 细胞还可以改变我们的人生经历 )

7. Cytokines are polypeptides, and mediate cellular responses through autocrine and paracrine. (翻译:细胞因子是一类小分子多肽,通过自分泌和旁分泌传递细胞应答。)

8. The first step in amputation is ligating the supplying artery and vein, which the offender did. (翻译:截肢的第一步就是绑紧供应血液的动静脉 这点疑犯做得很好)

9. Now did you have any indication that Dr. Torres was even worried about something like amputation? (翻译:有什么迹象表明 Torres医生有担心 会出现截肢的情况吗)

10. Since so much of this path lies outside the limb itself, most of it remains behind after an amputation. (翻译:由于通道的大部分都独立于肢体之外, 它们都会在截肢后继续存在。)

11. And it has no single polity to mediate tensions within and between member countries. (翻译:同时,它也没有一个单一政治组织来调解成员国之间的紧张关系。)

12. And it's produced a great amputation, a shallow view of human nature. (翻译:这也删除了许多重要的部份, 形成了一种对人性的肤浅看法。)

13. The Web links everything, and very soon it will mediate most human activity. (翻译:网络连接着一切 且不久的将来 大多数人类活动都离不开网络)

14. I realize that, but it is your job as head of the department to mediate all intra-departmental disputes. (翻译:我知道 Gablehauser博士 但这是你的工作 主持整个部门 协调所有内部矛盾)

15. The stratum corneum is composed of dead cells surrounded by lipid membranes which mediate the permeability barrier. (翻译:角质层主要由围绕脂膜分布的死细胞构成调节通透性的屏障。)

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