median lise是什么意思 median lise的中文翻译、读音、例句

median lise是什么意思 median lise的中文翻译、读音、例句

median lise在中文中有"中值杂讯"的意思,其次还有"中值杂讯"的意思,发音是[medianlise],median lise是一个英语名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到24个与median lise相关的例句。

Median lise的词典翻译


例句:Lise now has a steady, reliable source of income. (现在,丽萨拥有一个 稳定可靠的收入来源 )


median lise一般作为名词使用,如在Lise Meitner([网络] 迈特纳;丽丝·迈特纳;莉泽·迈特纳)、lise meitners([网络] 迈特纳;丽丝·迈特纳;莉泽·迈特纳\n(lise meitner 的复数))、folded median(折叠中位数)等常见短语中出现较多。

Lise Meitner[网络] 迈特纳;丽丝·迈特纳;莉泽·迈特纳
lise meitners[网络] 迈特纳;丽丝·迈特纳;莉泽·迈特纳\n(lise meitner 的复数)
folded median折叠中位数
golden medianun. 中庸之道
grand median[统计] 总中位数
lemma on median[数] 中位数引理
market median[网络] 市场中位数
median age年龄中位数
median amplitude中值振幅


1. Well, median weight 2.2 pounds that's 41.8, call that 42 pounds, at.... (翻译:呃 平均算2.2磅一包 就是41.8 算42磅吧)

2. Selective Median Neurotomy for Relief of Spasticity Focalized to Wrists and to Fingers in Children with Cerebral Palsy (翻译:选择性正中神经分支部分切断术治疗脑瘫性腕、指痉挛)

3. And so, in many of our courses, the median response time for a question on the question and answer forum was 22 minutes. (翻译:因此,在许多课程中, 在问答平台上的回答时间中间值 只有22分钟)

4. And so, in many of our courses, the median response time for a question on the question and answer forum was 22 minutes. (翻译:因此,在许多课程中, 在问答平台上的回答时间中间值 只有22分钟 )

5. These nonprofits had a 21% year-over-year median growth rate in online revenue. (翻译:这些NPO在线收入的年平均增长率为21%。)

6. The median fee for a birth doula is $700 per birth. (翻译:一位助产师的中等工资为每助产一个宝宝将获得700美元的酬劳。)

7. In the median sternotomy group, the procedure were performed in the conventional manner. (翻译:胸骨正中切口组手术过程按常规手术步骤进行。)

8. Median glands absent; lateral ones semilunar or 1 on each side of lateral stamen. (翻译:中间的腺体无;在侧的雄蕊的每边的侧生的半月的或1。)

9. The cost of a median cranial debulking surgery is around $340,000. (翻译:开颅手术需要的价钱是.. 大概340000美金)

10. The median pay for chief executives of S&P 500 companies fell 6.8% in 2008. (翻译:标准普尔500指数成份股公司首席执行官的薪酬中位值在xx年下降了6.8个百分点。)

11. The white nerve tissue of the cerebellum, which HAS a treelike outline in a median section. (翻译:小脑活树脑的一种白色神经组织,其中央部分有树状轮廓)

12. Median of the antibodies against theca was three-fold higher in peritoneal effusion in infertile women. (翻译:中位数抗体膜是三倍高于腹腔积液的不孕妇女。)

13. Objective: To clarify the effects of fascicular orientation in repairing low median nerve injuries. (翻译:目的:阐明神经束支定位法在远端正中神经损伤修复中的作用。)

14. I told you I didn't have feelings for Jim when I did. (翻译

15. Camilla and Anne-Lise have tormented pasts. (翻译:Camilla和Anne - Lise有着痛苦的过去。)

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