mediastinal lymphonode tuberculosis是什么意思 mediastinal lymphonode

mediastinal lymphonode tuberculosis是什么意思 mediastinal lymphonode

mediastinal lymphonode tuberculosis通常被翻译为"纵隔淋巴结结核"的意思,还经常被翻译为纵隔淋巴结结核,读音为[mediastinallymphonodetuberculosis],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到36个与mediastinal lymphonode tuberculosis相关的例句。

Mediastinal lymphonode tuberculosis的释义


例句:Objective: To introduce the clinical features, diagnosis and therapy of primary mediastinal seminoma . (目的:介绍纵隔原发性精原细胞瘤的临床特点和诊治方法。)


mediastinal lymphonode tuberculosis一般作为名词使用,如在hilar lymphonode tuberculosis(肺门淋巴结结核)、lymphonode(n. 淋巴结)、mediastinal(纵隔的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

hilar lymphonode tuberculosis肺门淋巴结结核
lymphonoden. 淋巴结
mediastinal abscess[医] 纵隔脓肿
mediastinal angioma纵隔血管瘤
mediastinal area缘域;中脉前域
mediastinal artery纵隔动脉
mediastinal branches纵隔支


1. But it also resulted in a convoy of people with tuberculosis to rid Theresienstadt of them. (翻译:但这些也导致了那些 肺结核病人被运送出特莱西恩施塔特)

2. Multiple nodal metastases involving paraaortic, mediastinal, left axillary and left periclavicular lymph modes were demonstrated. (翻译:结果在主动脉旁、纵膈腔以及左侧锁骨旁的淋巴结都出现了转移情形。)

3. Objective To study the CT diagnosis of mediastinal neoplasm oringinate in fibrous tissue and fibrous histocyte. (翻译:目的探讨纵隔纤维组织和纤维组织细胞肿瘤CT诊断。)

4. They sell the blood to rich people to cure their tuberculosis. (翻译:他们把血买给有钱人, 血能治疗他们的肺结核)

5. Incidences of leukemia, tuberculosis, and meningitis have dropped considerably. (翻译:白血病,肺结核,脑膜炎的发病率 也有了较大幅度的下降.)

6. Objective: To summarize the cause, the clinical characteristics and the therapy of tuberculosis pleurisy. (翻译:目的:总结结核性胸膜炎的病因、临床特征及治疗方法。)

7. Pleura is the most invaded site by extrapulmonary tuberculosis, among which cutaneous tuberculosis is only less than one percent. (翻译:台湾肺外结核侵犯的位置以肋膜最为常见,而皮肤结核约占肺外结核不到百分之一。)

8. And the economic burden of asthma exceeds that of HIV and tuberculosis combined. (翻译:哮喘带来的经济负担 超过了HIV和肺结核的总合 )

9. They also ruled out bubonic plague or tuberculosis. (翻译:他们还排除了图坦卡蒙患有黑死病或肺结核。)

10. - Yeah, all that's missing is the tuberculosis. (翻译:【普契尼歌剧又名《艺术家的生涯》】 - 别染上肺结核就好)

11. .. had five children and had come down with tuberculosis. (翻译:结了婚生了五个孩子 还得了肺结核 是个成熟的女人)

12. Has he ever had pulmonary tuberculosis? For example, phthisis or. (翻译:他以前有过肺部的病史么?比如,肺结核、肺心病之类? )

13. Manifold Immunity Tests Detected and Evaluated for Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Tuberculous Pleuritis (翻译:免疫指标联合检测评估肺结核和结核性胸膜炎患者的免疫状况)

14. Let's consider the big three: HIV, malaria, tuberculosis. (翻译:让我们来看看困扰世界的三大主要问题: 艾滋病, 疟疾和结核病。)

15. Mycobacterium avium -- a blood infection by a bacterium related to tuberculosis (翻译:禽结核分歧杆菌——一种由细菌引起的血液感染,会造成结核病; )

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